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Facial recognition software

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Member since
September 2022

108 posts

Posted Thu November 9, 2023 2:09pmReport post

Saw an article in the BBC about facial recognition software being used to scan crowds at a Beyonce concert for the P word, and it makes me even more fearful for the future.

As many SHPO's have a no contact with under 16 or 18's clause, it makes me concerned that when there are measures like this put in place, VISOR, police etc will eventually get so strict they'll ban individuals from going to gigs, cinema's etc "just in case". And ban them from any form of entertainment that's also liked by under 18s. And if they don't ban them, at least make it harder to justify wanting to go to such things.

What if the software got a hit? Would they arrest the individual? Speak to them about it at the next meeting and grill them on why they would want to go to a concert and imply they only went to prey on young girls? Increase the risk level because of it? Will it make it impossible to go to high profile concerts just in case it has a negative impact with someone's PPU?

With the suggested life time ban on name changes and now this, it feels like the last couple of months have made a future with my OH seem hopeless.


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March 2022

453 posts

Posted Fri November 10, 2023 11:30amReport post

In practice, the wording of SHPOs is already fairly vague and open to interpretation. If the VISOR wanted to, they could already tell a person not to go to gigs because there might be children there, and people have been stopped from going to places such as gyms , on a 'just in case' basis too.

It very much depends on the individual VISOR and how strict they are. But I agree that if this sort of facial recognition software is rolled out more widely, it will lead to VISOR's becoming even more suspcious and to them seeing risks, where there are no risks.


Member since
February 2023

378 posts

Posted Fri November 10, 2023 2:16pmReport post

I was upset by this too. We can't control where young people will be all the time. I think this type of power is often put in the wrong hands and used inappropriately to oppress and that scares me greatly :(

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September 2021

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Posted Sat November 11, 2023 7:11amReport post

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Edited Sun November 12, 2023 9:09pm

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