Family and Friends Forum

Pre sentence hearing.

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August 2023

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My OH has a pre sentece hearing on monday but has got his pre sentence report meeting booked for 27th november how can he have a hearing without the report? The solicitor said the court will wtite to him n change the court date but we havent heard anything. Obviously oh will go monday unless recieve a letter today.

Has this happened to anyone else. Dont wanna pay the solicitor for court and they change the day or we get there and tell us the date has been changed. But dont wanna go without a solicitor if it goes ahead.

Any help much appreciated.

Posted Sat November 11, 2023 7:54amReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

This happened with my son and it was cancelled the night before as the report wasn't done. We only knew this though as I looked at the court listings for the following day. Have you checked that yet? It was us that told the solicitor he didn't even know. It's so frustrating x

Posted Sat November 11, 2023 9:30amReport post


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

The pre sentence hearing is just to state of your pleading guilty or not guilty isn't it? When my partner had his it didn't take long. He was then sent a letter for a meeting go with the probation officer who did his pre sentence report. He has his sentence hearing in December where hopefully the judge will read and take note of his PSR

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 7:33amReport post


Member since
August 2023

20 posts

Mandymoo thank you for your reply no i havent. I will see if i can do it.

Thank you.

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 8:19amReport post


Member since
August 2023

20 posts


Thank you oh has already had his plea hearing this pre sentence hearing is about reading the report and gwtting all the information, however report not being done for another 2weeks its stressful enough without this extra stress.

Hope all goes well for u all.

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 8:22amReport post


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

I see, well they definitely need to get the hearing postponed as they will need the probation report to be ready for the hearing. It is so stressful isn't it. I look at the court listings and quite often cases are relisted and it says next to them reports not ready so I'm sure they could relist your partners

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 9:45amReport post


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

Topsy, to check the court listings you go on a website called Courtserve. It has a list of all crown courts. Click on the one your partner is going to and it will show all the cases that day and ones relisted for a different day. It's usually updated by 4.30 for the following day. Hope that helps. So if you check today it should show you Mondays listings and re listings

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 9:47am
Edited Sun November 12, 2023 9:48amReport post


Member since
April 2023

516 posts

I volunteer at my local courts with Citizen's Advice and my faith in the judicial system being efficient has reached a low point due to all the admin errors and up to date reports/paperwork misssing, delaying cases being heard. It's atrocious and so hard on the emotional wellbeing of everyone personally involved in the case. The tip to look at the trial logs for the next day on the day before is really useful but sadly many times a trial is deferred when everyone is there waiting to get on with it. The court personnel seem so blaise about this probably because it's becoming the norm now and it makes me so cross. Sorry to be a bit of a doom merchant and I hope in your case things go smoothly with no extra upset as there's enough of that just being there! X

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 10:17am
Edited Sun November 12, 2023 10:19amReport post


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

Rainy day, I've lost count how many times my partners case was relisted!. The plea hearing was relisted numerous times!. It's horrible as you get all anxious in the weeks leading upto it then it's cancelled so you have to go through it all again. When it's my OH sentencing it will have been 2 years 11 months since the knock!. It is ridiculous to me that he's waited this long!. We've carried on with life, he's working in the job he's always done. But we have this hanging over us!

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 10:53amReport post


Member since
September 2023

881 posts

My son had his plea hearing first. He pleaded guilty and was told he would need to attend Crown court for sentencing. He was also given the date of crown court and told he needed to attend the police station within 3 days to join the SOR. Between plea hearing in magistrates court and crown court 1 month later, he had his pre sentence report meeting.

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 7:52pmReport post

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