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Trying to guess sentence

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May 2019

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So my ex has been charged today. Magistrates in couple of weeks. Just wondering and looking for advice on possible sentence he may face. Hes charged with possesion of all cat images and videos also distribution of all cat images and videos. Has any one had similar charges if so what was the outcome

Posted Tue July 30, 2019 4:48pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Becky

There isn't any consistency in the country with sentences I'm afraid and it may come down to the judge in the day and your exs attitude!

My husband was charged with cat A images and videos and cat B, many many images but not distribution.

He was incredibly arrogant all the way through and during his sentencing and had never accepted responsibility for his actions, I think that's what got him a custodial sentence. I do believe that if he had got help and showed remorse he's have got a suspended sentence.

Obviously with the distributing that makes it worse than only images

It's a bit of a guessing game and really no one, not even the police or barristers know what'll happen!


Posted Tue July 30, 2019 6:52pmReport post


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June 2019

236 posts


I'm in similar position. Husband had all category Images, no videos I don't think but he would have distributed as well. On top of that he was messaging a 17 yr old girl. We are convinced it will be a custodial even though he knew he had a problem and before he was arrested he had started therapy and had traded his phone for one without internet. He was trying to sort his porn addiction and still is. He is Having therapy and doing the inform plus course. He is really trying and is remorseful for what he has done. I just don't know how much will be taken into account on sentencing.

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 12:12amReport post


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March 2019

252 posts

I wish there was structure to sentencing but theres not. My husband was given 9 months (3 off for guilty plea, out after 3 months) yet someone with an identical offence was given a community order.

Stop it Now should be able to tell you the guideline sentence within your area. X

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 6:13amReport post


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June 2019

236 posts


How can there be different sentencing guidelines in different areas? That's mad. If you Google sentences for indecent images it will give you the starting point a judge has to go from so to speak, but there are so many other factors that the whole process is just a guessing game. Wish I had a better idea of the likely outcome, at least you could prepare yourself a bit more.

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 8:34amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Dottie

I still think it's down to the judge on the day!

There should be a consistency but of course we all know there is no consistency all the way through, from the knock to sentencing. The waiting is quicker in some areas than others, social services seem to be different all over and the police are also different.

It's a mine field and actually consistency would be good at a time when you are feeling that you are drowning in shock and emotions xx

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 10:48amReport post


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June 2019

236 posts


I agree, the worst thing is the not knowing and the long wait to find out the outcome. I have a feeling this is going to take years and not be one of the quicker ones.

Posted Fri August 2, 2019 8:10amReport post


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June 2019

56 posts


Hope you’re all doing okay?

Can anyone please tell me how you found out about the charges against your partners?

I now know the CPS have made a decision, but as my ex husband doesn’t know(at the point the Police Officer emailed me) I don’t know yet.

Will my ex find out via solicitor? Post? Arrest?

It’ll be 2 years since arrest in a week or 2 and I feel and am hoping I am very near the end of this nightmare

thank you x

Posted Sun August 4, 2019 8:07amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Sillyac

I found out when I attended court as my husband refused to tell me but he would have found it at the point of being charged what he was up against.


Posted Sun August 4, 2019 11:59amReport post


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June 2019

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oh wow. So how did you know when he would be in court?

I’m petrified it will be public knowledge before I find out and that I will go about my normal day to day (which has changed drastically) and people will know before I do.

Makes me sick to my stomach that it will happen that way, although the officer has said he will tell me. I found out on Tuesday that they have made a decision, but because my ex does not know yet, they can’t tell me anymore. I could be stressing (again) to find he’s not even being charged! How likely is that to happen? I’m more anxious now than I think I have been through this nearly 2 year hell.

I’m so concerned for my girls and they are just rebuilding a relationship with his Mum that I really need to step up for them again and keep myself sane!

How do you all do it? I have said from the off that I will have to attend any court proceedings to find out the truth. But that might not even happen. Urgh!

thank you x

Posted Sun August 4, 2019 2:23pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Sillyac

As I was giving evidence against my husband if it'd gone to trial the police had to keep me informed otherwise I wouldn't have known.

Again I think there is an inconsistency throughout the land around this so it may be different for you and the police keep you informed anyway xx

Posted Sun August 4, 2019 4:51pmReport post


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July 2019

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Sillyac, unfortunately I didnt find out about court date until afterwards. My son decided not to tell me and I heard about it through the newspaper. So i dont know really for certain what charges are other than through newspaper. I am not sure how you can find out unless you are told by accused

Posted Sun August 11, 2019 9:09pmReport post


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December 2018

450 posts

I wonder if you could ask the court after the sentencing because it's then I'm the public eye.

I could ring on the morning of sentencing to find out what time he was in court and they told me, I didn't even tell them who I was. It's worth a try xx

Posted Sun August 11, 2019 9:47pmReport post


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July 2019

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I'm no longer in contact with my ex. In fact it's part of his bail conditions, so I won't be told anything from him. In fact I haven't heard his side at all. He spoke to me in the morning, 'i love you, pop in to see me' XXX and that's it. Nothing. Anyway to get to the point, I have the investigating officers telephone number and he has said he will let me know what it goes to court.

Have you tried asking the police?

P x

Posted Thu August 15, 2019 5:38pmReport post

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