Family and Friends Forum

Media lawyer

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Member since
August 2019

4 posts

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 4:14pmReport post


My ex is being investigated for a large volume of offences and I have been advised by childrens services and the police to prepare for media coverage if/when it goes to court. Has anyone used a lawyer to represent themselves (not the offender) in case the media take an interest in the offender's family? The kids and I are changing our names, but I am worried that that isn't enough of a precaution.



Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 4:44pmReport post


firstly I’m really sorry you are going thro this horrendous ordeal.

I would be really interested in this as well, as our solicitor told me there is nothing we can do to stop it getting media coverage except hope it won’t be covered.

We will do anything to stop it happening even if we have to pay for another lawyer, just anything.

Hopefully someone will have a answer.

Mabel x x


Member since
August 2019

4 posts

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 5:20pmReport post

Thank you both for your quick replies. Yes, ex is living some distance away and lead police officer has reassured me that my home town will not be mentioned. I think it might get picked up by national press as he was a teacher.

I am worried about the photos at court aspect. I am intending to go to some of the court case as I need to understand exactly what he has done so I can make decisions about contact with the kids going forward, however I do not want to be photographed or risk anything that would link back to me and the kids.


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 9:01pmReport post

Hi again Boltfromtheblue

i just realised your name, it really sums things up!

As lee said you or your children shouldn’t be mentioned by the press, if you do go to court they shouldn’t know who you are, that you are not just a member of the public, and they shouldn’t take your photo as you are not the one charged.

When my partner is charged we will ask the police not to release a media statement, just to protect our son, our solicitor said he will ask the police for us. You could ask the same? Tho we are with Essex police who so far have been dreadful with us!

It really seems to depend on the day as to what is reported, this really is my biggest nightmare of it being reported. I just can’t think of the consequences!

Im so sorry for you joining this dreadful club, but this forum is such a god send, my life has changed since I found it. There is always such good advice on here.

Sending you best wishes

Mabel x x


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Fri August 23, 2019 2:13amReport post

Hi Boltfromtheblue,

I have dealt with media but didnt have any representation. I deleted all social media prior to sentencing and if I didnt recognise the phone number I didnt answer the phone. The cannot mention you by name but they may mention you exist. My husband was in the nursing industry so it was reported a lot, mainly due to the fact it was an open court and fights broke out. The media reported he had a wife and 2 young children but never said our names.

The fall out can be hard, you become guilty by association but you have done NOTHING wrong.
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