Family and Friends Forum

How do I find out the truth??

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Member since
April 2019

2 posts

Hi all. It's been quite a while since I last posted.

My ex was recalled to prison (in front of me, I didn't know what the hell was going on) and is now out of prison. We met up on Sunday which is the first time I have seen him since his arrest. He told me his story, but I don't quite believe it. How can I get access to the truth?

I genuinely think the police tar everyone with the same brush and I just want to be sat down (by someone official) and they tell me what the hell happened from start to finish. The police won't tell me anything because I am just the ex girlfriend and I do not have children. I can't exactly trust what the ex said as he lied to me for our entire relationship and everyone thinks he is scum of the earth. I just want to know but how?!

Someone mentioned contacting the court but are they public record? Can anyone access that information?

I still love him very much and we talk a few times a week via WhatsApp I just want to know the truth. It's so hard to find out.

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 9:39pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

I wish I could advise you of this. I want answers too. It's been 9 days since the police came and knocked on my door, out of the blue to tell me my partner had been arrested for chatting online to someone who he believed was a young teen. I haven't had any contact with him and one of his bail conditions is not to contact us. I have kids, including a young teen daughter. I texted the investigating officer to ask if he had previous. I received a reply to say he will call me on Monday. My partner is now my ex. Can you ask the police? I've struggled ever since. I want answers, from him, but don't want to be deemed a risk to my kids by contacting him. It's driving me crazy. My emotions swing from feeling sorry for my partner to feeling sick. No real help but to say I empathize with you so much xxx

Posted Fri August 2, 2019 4:34pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

56 posts

Hi Shelley19 & Partner,

I’m so sorry you are also going through this ordeal. As for getting the truth, I’m not sure if you can find the court case, but all court proceedings are public knowledge. It would just depend how much detail is there. If you know your ex-partner is not telling you the whole truth, then it is completely up to you to choose whether or not you move past it and re-build trust and a relationship.

I’m nearly 2 years in from my ex-husbands arrest with very little knowledge until earlier this year. He has never provided me with any information, only the police due to them having a laptop that is mine. Very scary to think that I wouldn’t know anything unless we were still together. We had only been separated for 7 months at the time? But he was with someone and living with someone knew without children.

We all make our own decisions and the best thing about this forum, is that there is no judging. Some people have done what they’ve done out of a bad habit, others have come across websites and got caught it traps.

MWe are all about the support for each other, so keep reaching out on here when needed. From my experience, my ex was always a liar. I loved him very much, married for 9 years, 2 children and lived a happy life. However, he always got caught out having flirty messages with other women, but “that’s all it was”. I now know that he could’ve done anything and lied about it. I have no idea who he is or who I spent all that time with, the Dad of my children.

Every emotion you feel will be the same as the rest of us. Please reach out and take care of yourself x

Posted Sun August 4, 2019 7:58amReport post

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