Family and Friends Forum

Do The Lies End?

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Member since
August 2019

19 posts

Posted Wed August 7, 2019 8:52amReport post

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Edited Thu July 23, 2020 5:34am


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Wed August 7, 2019 9:00amReport post

Hi EmmaJ

What a crappy time for you, it's bad enough doing what he did but then to take advantage of you is appalling.

Unfortunately for some men they don't know how not to lie, my son to be ex wouldn't know the truth of it smacked him in the face and boy do I wish that'd happen sometimes!

I think all you can do is look after you and the kids, try not to fall for his sob stories and try to rebuild your life - easier said than done I know but just take it a day at a time.

Have you been in touch with your GP, it could be good to just let them know what's happening, my GP has been amazing and really supportive to me

Keep coming on here and try the helpline, they are great and can offer advice to you

Stay strong xx


Member since
April 2019

12 posts

Posted Fri August 9, 2019 12:26pmReport post

Wow Emma you sound very much like me. Not 100% but the jist of it was.

I hope you are ok.

I know your not, im not and i dont know if i will be...

I do know how you feel though.

I was seperated from my ex when the knock came, we were having a break after i discivered he had a cocaine problem and there was substance in my bathroom hidden amongst my childrens toys.

Then came the POLIT team, to inform me of illegal activity from his email address linked to my router.

I stood by him, i didnt say a word to anyone, he told me it wasnt him, he had been set up everything you can imagine as an excuse and i loved him... i still do love him with all of my heart which i hate myself and him for. I cant believe he managed to get under my skin, i realised i had never loved anyone before and im not sure i could ever let anyone in again like i did him. He totally destroyed me.

About a week after he was arrested he disappeared, changed his number, removed all his social media and emails and just left, turned out he had been having an affair with a girl from our home village for 3 months or more and that she had left with him.

She abanonded her children, just left them in school didnt say a word just packed her bags and left. They now live about 3 hours away together, he has a new job, a new car, a new house..... and i am just in limbo waiting for the police to decide if they have enough evidence on the devices they took to charge him.

I was foolish and used and no the lies dont seem to have ever ended. People seem to tell me something new about his actions or things he has said about me on a weekly basis. Some people are just completely awful people.
