Family and Friends Forum

Telling others so we can go on holiday??

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Member since
April 2019

1 post

Posted Wed August 7, 2019 2:33pmReport post

We were planning on going to stay with a relative (who has no children) but now probation are saying we can't go without them "checking out" an address which that can't do without "contacting the occupant". Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice? Thanks


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Fri August 9, 2019 12:10pmReport post

No sorry we haven't experienced this. We haven't stayed with anyone who doesn't know but I cannot see why they would need to inform them if no children will be there. Maybe it's to do with the area you are going. Ask them what the reason is as it puts you in a difficult situation.


Member since
October 2018

39 posts

Posted Mon August 19, 2019 4:17pmReport post

Yep have so many problems with probation.

I have stayed away for a night with my husband and it has always got to be checked but all I do is tell them the dates and where we are staying and I just get a text to say yes or no. Tbh the probation services are making things so hard for my husband which in turn is making my life a living hell and I have done nothing wrong


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Fri August 23, 2019 2:15amReport post

Ah yes, the environmental scan. They need to check that it's safe not just for others but the offender. There are rules they need to follow which includes not being within a certain distance of another offender. After time this changes with scans only being done if they are somewhere for 7 days and more.
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