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How 1 video can ruin an entire day.

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Member since
June 2023

66 posts

Posted Tue December 19, 2023 2:23pmReport post

Hi all, I hope everyone is looking forward to the holiday season as I guess for a lot of us it's a really hard time.

But the reason I'm posting my thoughts now is I feel that I can't escape any of this and just wanted to get what I saw off my chest, I was just scrolling through my phone on social media and seen a video posted about a man being interviewed for indecent images. It really hit me hard and the things they said were horrific, but what made it a real kick in the gut was the fact it was my local police station! But what made it even worse was how the police were all laughing and joking about it, high fiving each other when he got charged and it instantly brought me back to when I heard police giggling to each other when they raked through my house. Then of course there's the comments which I'm not even going to go into because I'm pretty sure you can guess what they're like... I don't condone anything my OH has done and maybe before this happened I would've had the same view but now, reading a lot of that is extremely hard.

The thing is, I was trying to be so possitive, I was excited to start making my OH a present like I usually do, but now after seing that I don't want to anymore, it's just brought me right back down to feeling so low when I was genuinely feeling happy. I just want an end to it all, come Jan it'll be a year since the knock and we're still not any further into this mess.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and new year x


Member since
October 2022

618 posts

Posted Tue December 19, 2023 6:12pmReport post

It's horrid how these traumas can stay with us and I'm sorry this video has ruined your day.

I have been in a bit of a spiral this week, but trying to haul myself out thinking about how my person is a good man who has done a bad thing.

I hope you're able to find some solace soon xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2668 posts

Posted Wed December 27, 2023 7:08amReport post

I strongly advise to keep away from social media especially at the beginning of this journey. I came off fb three years ago and it's the best thing I did and I don't miss it. Any avenue that could possibly give you grief- get rid!

I too heard lots of police responses towards my sons case that were totally inappropriate and out of order but I try my best not to let their pig headed, unprofessional, uncaring, biased attitude get to me.

keep strong my lovely x

Edited Wed December 27, 2023 7:12am


Member since
January 2024

5 posts

Posted Mon January 29, 2024 5:35amReport post

Sorry to hear of your tough situation. It's difficult to stay positive when constantly reminded of distressing events. Feelings of being low are okay - take time for self-care or hobbies that bring you joy instead of social media, which can amplify negative emotions.


Member since
April 2024

520 posts

Posted Sat April 27, 2024 10:46amReport post

I didn't experience giggling when they spent 4 hours going through my home but one DI farted very loudly in front of me and my poor little boy. It's hard to have any faith in them. X
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