Family and Friends Forum

Supervised contact

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Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Tue December 19, 2023 4:55pmReport post

can the social insist on supervised contact if it is not on SHPO.


Member since
July 2023

108 posts

Posted Tue December 19, 2023 5:04pmReport post

Sadly I think they can do what they want :(

Mostly people will have had social services involved / supervised contact during the lead up to sentencing and once you have that / SHPO, I understood you would be working towards unsupervisd but if they have not been involved to date it would take longer to get unsupervised as they will have to do their assessments.

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1093 posts

Posted Tue December 19, 2023 5:16pmReport post


I can't quite remember your story but I vaguely recall seeing that it's your son who offended and is currently expecting a baby, is that correct?
My person has supervised contact and only online restrictions on SHPO too. This is ss recommendations that I have agreed to as we were child in need and are now case closed. Whilst this is voluntary so they can't insist upon it I think it would be wise to ask for the reasoning behind the decision and steps that are needed to work towards unsupervised contact including timelines. As an infant will not be able to communicate this does make unsupervised more of a risk than with an older child they may want to monitor (using this word loosely as nobody has monitored us) for a period of time and also assess the mother in her ability to protect which again is difficult if this is her first child. I'm sorry if this isn't your situation but short answer is no they can't insist on supervised whilst child in need but they can change the type of plan child is on which would mean it isn't voluntary.
What are the views of your persons visor and probation in terms of the risk he poses etc? My persons visor and probation stated that they deem him to be a risk to teenage girls and ss took this into account when signing off for me to supervise as our daughter is a toddler. I also know of cases on here where the offences were towards female adolescents and their own children are male so they are allowed unsupervised xxx


Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Tue December 19, 2023 10:25pmReport post

Thank you for your replies, he is not allowed unsupervised with the new baby, but he has a son from previous relstionship and ss for that area are now saying he cannot have unsupervised with him as well which is not on his SHPO, as you mention he only needs to be supervised with females.He is no longer on probation or licence, he has been home almost 2 years.