Family and Friends Forum

Release from prison

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Member since
December 2018

21 posts

Posted Mon August 12, 2019 1:30pmReport post

Hi everyone,

I've not posted in while (but still have a nosey often) hope you are all as well as can be.

I received the phonecall yesterday from the police, to confirm when my ex is being released from prison...the end of this month. I am dreading it.

We have had no communication from SS about this, despite me trying get the information from them. The police said they probably looked on their system and saw that we were separated, so thought not to bother!

I told my children that he is being released. My daughter is aware of what he's done and immediately looked worried. I explained that the police told me he can't have any contact with them and should he turn up or try to communicate then I have to call them straight away. My little boy immediately thought that would mean that he gets to see his dad again. However he is on 2 different orders, one for life and one that expires in 2024, so the likelihood is that he will never see him again, especially once he know what his dad has actually done and can make the decision himself.

I feel like a new set of emotions are going through me and I'm so apprehensive with the release date looming. I just feel we have been stable for a while, knowing that he is locked up, but what if he has been mixing with other offenders whilst in there and thinks of more ways to this to children? His order states that he cannot have unsupervised contact with females under the age of 18. I will not be allowing any form of contact with my children as he has upset them enough.

Has anyone else been through this? Sorry for the waffling, I just needed to get it off my chest whilst the kids are playing out!

Take care everyone xx


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 5:59pmReport post

Hi mumof2

It's strange isn't it, when I got the release date I absolutely fell to pieces!

I think it's because I'm so scared of bumping into him, not that I great him, but I don't know what my reaction is going to be.

While they are inside you know all is okay, I know when he was first sentenced I felt lighter somehow and without realising it I was anxious about seeing him but if course while they are away that can't happen.

I'm really lucky, I don't have children with him and my boys are adults who on some level would quite like to bump into him!!

Just look how far you've come and what a good job you've done with the kids.

Just breathe and make sure you are busy on the day!



Member since
September 2018

22 posts

Posted Wed August 14, 2019 10:38pmReport post

Hi there, can you contact his supervision officer or the parol board and get it put into his licence conditions that he cannot come to your street and house, that's what I did, it was more so for my boys and my safety from backlash from others, as my husband (ex) Is not a physical danger to us. The social workers should be able to re home him in emergency accommodatio do try not to worry about his release, he should have protective factors in place, xx