Family and Friends Forum

Out of my depth

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Member since
August 2019

14 posts

Got the knock on July 19th and still can't really comprehend what has happened or how. My emotions are all over the place and I feel completely unequipped to deal with what is happening and the ongoing fallout from my partner's arrest. He hasn't been charged yet, no-one will tell me exactly what he's done or is suspected of doing and they are saying the investigation will probably take months. How is it possible to try and maintain some kind of normality with this hanging over you? How do you make decisions about the future when you don't even know if there is one?

So glad to find this forum where I can at least reach out to others going through the same kind of nightmare. I haven't been able to talk to any friends or family members up to now I'm so worried about their reactions ????

Posted Mon August 12, 2019 4:37pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi Maddie, I replied to another newcomer to the forum and can only say similar to you. Please try and be kind to yourself, it’s so emotional at the start of this horrible situation you are in, through no fault of your own. Loving someone makes decisions all the more difficult. Try not to panic and take your time making decisions however small or big they are. As I have said previously the helpline and Samaritans helpline helped me so much at the start. Keep posting here too, a lot of strong people here to help you out. Hugs and I hope this helps a bit x

Posted Mon August 12, 2019 5:13pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Maddie I’m sorry you are part of this group but you are in the right place everyone here is soo supportive. I can only reiterate what others above have said take it day by day the ball is in your court regarding any decions. You are not in this alone please remember that!

Posted Mon August 12, 2019 8:32pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

14 posts

Thank you for your responses. I'm having a particularly bad day today I think. So confused and uncertain. I'm normally so strong. Always the one who is unflappable in the worst of situations but this is a new depth of hell as I'm sure you all know. My partner's mental state is not good to say the least and that is piling on more worry in case he does something stupid. Although doing something stupid is what brought us here, but he doesn't seem to realise that it's what he does from now on that can possibly make things even worse for his own family. I'm angry and frustrated with him. One minute he seems willing to be proactive and seek out the help he obviously needs and the next he wants to end it all or run away... leaving the rest of us floundering in the mess he made with no hope of any answers. I have so much emotional conflict in my head that it feels hopeless. God knows how his children must feel.

I know I'll get through it somehow but it all feels overwhelming at the moment.

Posted Mon August 12, 2019 9:04pmReport post

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