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Limbo and mental health

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Member since
July 2019

394 posts

sorry this is mainly a rant really and you amazing ladies will understand!

I can’t understand how the timescales for this investigation can be soo long and the effect living in this limbo on our mental health can have! In the nhs they have timescales to adhere to for treatment for people, meanwhile this is creating health problems, I know we are a small few but the knock on effect for those with children etc could be huge. I understand the need to collect evidence and some is easier to find than others but surely this is not right!

Im not expecting a reply just feeling annoyed and angry and sorry for myself at this situation I’m in and don’t know when it will end one way or another!

sending love to you amazing ladies x

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 6:39pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

It just annoys me as if someone was in pain with thier hip they could deal with it dose up on drugs or put up if they knew when they would get some answers or they operate I can’t understand how the system is so sort sighted! What about in some cases the victims they want to know something has happened to thier perpetrater. You say we maybe low level crime but the reprocussions of a conviction of this type will fully change my family’s life. For some people just the accusation has had huge ramifications why can’t they just get in with it! If they can’t deal with the work why are they seeking out more and more when they can’t deal with what they got on their desk already!! Xx

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 8:06pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Sadly this is my second experience of going through the justice system and yes the wait can drive you mad. But the only bit of advice I can give is you learn to deal with it, to cope and to learn to live in the moment. I used to be such an overthinker and worrier but now I've learnt not to be. That's a positive for me personally. I'm.much better person now than I was as a result.

It's tough but you will find a way.

In terms of this, it's 3 weeks tomorrow since the knock and I couldn't imagine getting to this day. But I have. 3 weeks tomorrow since I had contact with my other half.

Stay strong, don't overthink, try and stay in the present and use the helpline and site as much as possible.

Love to everyone x

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 8:39pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

14 posts

Not even a month in here and already I can see it is going to be a long time before there is any progress with the investigation. My partner hasn't been charged yet. He was initially bailed until this week but that has been extended by a further two months already. That's a long time to be left with no definite idea of what he is supposed to have done. I know they have to investigate thoroughly but if they're going to keep people floundering in the aftermath of this horrific discovery then they could at least offer something in the way of support. I'm tough as old boots but am still struggling. It's not difficult to imagine that someone a bit more fragile would be utterly broken by this kind of experience x

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 8:46pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

For clarification I am ok and I do t have concerns with my mental health at present, we don’t have a bail date as RUI so can be whenever. Just they treat everyone with complete disregard. Anyway it’s a new day tomorrow!

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 9:41pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

The limbo dosent seem to end we are 6weeks post trial/sentencing we still getting thru each day as best we can ! Mental health has taken a pounding, for the whole family it’s a whole “ new normal” we learning to live with, none of us asked for this nit even my son who was convicted!! This all happened due to mental health and hi. Being unable to seek help because he was so ill ! I’m not sure he will ever be well again mainly because of all this all I can hope is he gets the help n support he needs and is able to start again and live his best life xxx

thinking of all you lovely people through this crappy time xxx

keep strong ladies x

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 9:46pmReport post

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