Family and Friends Forum

I don’t know why to do anymore

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Member since
July 2019

5 posts

well yesterday I had my first panick attack since the knock on 15th June. I’m still working and just starting to take some medication to try and help. I’m standing by there side But I’m so lost. I feel like everything is everywhere my husband is looking to the future in a positive way. For my I can’t see anything in the future because I’m stuck trying to understand everything as well as my own feelings and trying to cope/understand/even taking things slow and all I want to do is breakdown. Hes got a night away with work coming up which he can’t get out of. I’m stuck in a form of hell with no idea how long this will take or what the out come will be. We’ve spoken about moving away but will that help?

Posted Wed August 14, 2019 7:29amReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts


I'm sorry to hear about your panic attacks. I've had then too and they are not nice.

Your under a lot of strain and it's enevitable that we will suffer as a result. Medication helps me. I couldn't cope without my anti depressants ATM.

I can't help in terms of your question sadly as I have no contact with my ex partner. It's only been 3 weeks today for us. I too, want to move away. A fresh start but I don't want to disrupt my children more. However my situation bis different. My kids aren't his and we didn't live together.

Try to concentrate on the moment. Keep yourself busy. I've joined a gym and thrown myself into work

Your not alone. We are here for you.

Hugs x

Posted Wed August 14, 2019 1:11pmReport post

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