Family and Friends Forum

I don’t know why to do anymore

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Member since
July 2019

5 posts

Posted Wed August 14, 2019 7:29amReport post

well yesterday I had my first panick attack since the knock on 15th June. I’m still working and just starting to take some medication to try and help. I’m standing by there side But I’m so lost. I feel like everything is everywhere my husband is looking to the future in a positive way. For my I can’t see anything in the future because I’m stuck trying to understand everything as well as my own feelings and trying to cope/understand/even taking things slow and all I want to do is breakdown. Hes got a night away with work coming up which he can’t get out of. I’m stuck in a form of hell with no idea how long this will take or what the out come will be. We’ve spoken about moving away but will that help?


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Wed August 14, 2019 10:36amReport post

Hi Tom

Unfortunately panic attacks at one point became a way of life for me but I haven't had one for quite a while now!

This whole process is so slow and the waiting is what the killer is, your life has been turned upside down and you don't know what you're facing until he's charged and even then until he's actually sentenced (if it gets that far). The problem is your mind goes into overdrive and that just doesn't help - God knows how your stop it though.

You're doing great though, you have survived this long, is your husband supportive of you?

Have you rang the helpline, they are brilliant and will help you with 'what next'

Keep coming on here and above all look after you!
