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Going through devices.

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Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Thu August 15, 2019 2:14pmReport post

Hi all, just wanted to run this past you to see what you think.

So we got the knock mid May and all devices taken. Husband assurred me it was all on his phone no other devices. The police took my computer which I needed for work so that was fast tracked. Got that back after about 4 weeks. I got a call from the investigating officer that he wanted to come see me to show me some pictures to see if I could say where they had come from. I am sticking by my husband and did not want to get further involved. Anyway my question is, if they are now looking at his phone, does that mean it is moving forward and not just sat at the bottom of a pile of others? I'm probably asking a really stupid question but he was wanting to see me straight away so is obviously wanting to push on with the investigation.

Has this happened to anyone, that you know for sure they are looking at the device in question, is it long before a second interview is called?

Sorry if this seems a weird post. It just unsettled me yesterday. To be honest I felt like I had been in a car crash, shaking after putting phone down.

Big hug to all you lovely ladies, and the odd gent. Xx


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Tue August 20, 2019 4:53pmReport post

Hi Dottie

It is the first instance I have never heard of police returning with questions about specific images. I was allowed to keep my computer as I needed it for work but all the images were checked and I was questioned about a photo of a child which I explained had been taken 5 years ago and sent to me by the father.

Devices were removed from our home almost 6 months ago and as far as I know there has been nothing from the police since. I get the impression that timescales differ depending on the police force. Unfortunately I think the area I live in is where the timescales are the longest (up to 2 years) before cases go to court!

Hoping things move quickly for you and your family.


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 8:03amReport post

I Izzy, hope your doing okay. I am just taking it one day at a time and have that expectation that it could take upto 2 yrs. I suppose that it was clear that they have started to look at the device that has the images on it, but that doesn't mean it's going to come to a conclusion anytime soon. So my new phrase " what will be will be ".

I'm 3 months today post knock, seems a lifetime.

Sending love your way. Xx


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Sun August 25, 2019 11:12amReport post

Hi Dottie

i agree with what Izzy says about the police asking you questions regarding specific images. Very strange.

There should also be a specific officer dealing with your husbands case and he/she should be keeping in contact with you to keep you updated. You should also have their name, collar number and phone numbers for if you have any questions. I’m 6 days in and I’ve already been told my husbands phone is being checked by a trained detective who can find out what my husband deleted from his phone (as in the actual search terms my husband used, which will show up in red rather than black) his phone along with his computers will be getting sent to a specialist forensics lab to recover the things he deleted from his phone and check if there is anything on his computers which could also have been deleted, items that the lab would also be able to recover. I’ve been told, depending on what they find, if they were all category C images he would likely get a caution and 2 years on the sex offenders register. Anything worse and he will be going to court in 6-7 months. Don’t be afraid to contact the police and ask for updates x


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Mon August 26, 2019 3:45pmReport post

Hi Seamack

i was really interested reading your message regarding the police investigation.

My partner was arrested in a town a long way from where we live by a vigilante group, but Essex police came and searched our house and took our devices. They were awful, they were very unsympathetic to me in my state of total shock and confusion.

i never got any police details from Essex police or the other arresting police force, I was not given any contact details. We are now 14 months since his arrest and know nothing.

our solicitor has advised us not to contact the police, which we haven’t cos we are too scare to go against him!

did the police give you details when they came round or did you phone them after?

Sorry if it sounds a bit of a dumb question but I think it seems to depend on the police officers on the day as to what kind of experience you get!


Mabel x


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Mon August 26, 2019 4:56pmReport post

Hi Mabel,

This only happened to me a week ago. An officer took my statement, gave me his details to call for an update the next day. I did so and was informed the CID was now dealing with the case and to expect a call from them.

A detective called me, informed me my husband had been arrested and bailed pending further investigation. He gave me his name, collar number and phone numbers and told me I could contact him anytime if I wanted an update or if I had any questions. I’ve also been informed IF it goes to court it’ll be in about 6-7 months. Some areas are 2-3 yrs! My husbands phone and computers have been sent to a forensics laboratory. If all the images were a category C (the least offensive) he will most likely get a police caution and 2 years on the sex offenders register. I guess it does depend on the area you live in as to how helpful they are and how quickly the case gets prossessed.

Edited by moderator Tue August 27, 2019 1:46pm


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Mon August 26, 2019 6:39pmReport post

Hi again

oh that sounds a much better experience than I had with the police!

well I guess it just depends on which area you live in and like I said the police officer on the day!

thanks for you reply and wishing you all the best.

Just to add this forum has really helped me a lot so I would highly recommend it

Mabel x x

Edited by moderator Tue August 27, 2019 1:46pm