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De-escalation from CPP

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Member since
December 2020

19 posts

Posted Tue January 16, 2024 4:40pmReport post

It's been a while but after some light at the end of the tunnel I feel like it's all being ripped away again and don't know what to do.

My family have been living together since the knock in 2020. SS came back into our lives April 2023 when he was convicted and sentenced and we were put on a CPP and we have lived under the same roof but my husband has to be aupervised around our child. It looks hopeful this week that we can finally de-escalate to CIN as we have the conference. We have received the up to date report from our SW who has recommended a de-escalation to CIN. However, my request to review our safety plan and remove the supervision has been put into jeopardy and the wording that has been used is that even when they are out of their lives my husband can never be unsupervised. This is for the foreseeable.

We have done everything they have asked. The funding for the risk assessments from the district manager was declined because they didn't feel the risk assessments were necessary. I am in the process of completing the breaking the cycle course that i found myself and self referred. What more can we do! It's great if we de-escalate to CIN this week but they can't expect us to keep the supervision in place even when they are out of our lives??

I'm confused and tired.

Edited by moderator Wed January 17, 2024 8:43am


Member since
September 2023

864 posts

Posted Tue January 16, 2024 7:15pmReport post

I'm sorry you're going through this. Does your OH have a SHPO that means he needs supervision. My person has one which says no unsupervised contact with under 18's unless agreed by SS and SS will not agree it. My person has challenged it as has his probation officer but at the moment they are sticking to the SHPO. We are closed to children's services as long as we keep the supervision arrangements in place.


Member since
December 2020

19 posts

Posted Tue January 16, 2024 9:49pmReport post

He has a SHPO but it is internet/device based only. They tried to keep in that he wasn't allowed to live under the same roof as U16's but the judge threw that out straight away.


Member since
July 2023

108 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 12:16pmReport post

Following this thread as we are on CIN but not yet at court with safety plan for fully supervised contact.

I have asked the SW for what is the plan once we are at court, and assuming he is charged with what we think he is and nothing else comes out, how do we move to unsupervised and I didn't really get an answer!

So I will keep asking..... as they should have a process if the SHPO has no restrictions related to contact.

Our SW can't get a response from the OIC and it is always like she is waiting for him to give her direction.

When I felt the SW is lost I have in the past asked for a meeting with the SW and the SWs manager which has often given me more information or made me more aware of their process. Supervised contact of course would be madness to continue until said child is 18!


Member since
December 2020

19 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 12:28pmReport post

That's the thing as well. They first came into our lives in 2020 and we were on CIN. They left after a few months and said we could go back to normal (that's their problem not mine). Then came back into our lives last year when hubby was convicted and sentenced and we were put on CPP and that's where we are at now. We have followed everything they have asked, completed all tasks and everything is positive. But they are being so contradictory and confusing. It's silly, we live in the same house for goodness sake and have a fab family support network that all attend the same meetings as me and agree with me!

The risk assessments they said they would fund was declined because it wasn't deemed necessary in the end and we waited more than 6 months for the funding only for it to be declined. These risk assessments were supposed to help with all this supervision nonsense. So part of me is wondering if they are trying this because they have no idea what to do?


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 2:11pmReport post

You have a couple of options

1) fund the risk assessment yourself. It could be up to £2000

2) make a complaint and escalate to try to demand a risk assessment, explaining that surely if you are too low risk to warrant a specialist risk assessment, you are too low risk to need supervised contact indefinitely

3) comply for now then refer yourselves back in in a few months because you want unsupervised

4) in the CP Conference say to the chair and try to get the chair to advocate

5) tell them you intend to do unsupervised - this may escalate the risk enough that they find the assessment, this is higher risk as you'd remain CP in all likelihood and they could escalate to PLO if they think you are putting the children at risk on purpose

How old are your children, as the best course of action depends a bit on this


Member since
December 2020

19 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 3:15pmReport post

Our child is 6, we just have one.

I'm finding it all very confusing because we have completed everything they have asked and then some. They have no evidence. It was an online offence only not online chatting or contact. Whilst I understand the element of risk there is alot we have done and continue to do so to prove otherwise. There has to be an endpoint surely? I'm happy to follow CIN and safety plan until I have completed my course and husband has completed probation but after that I can't see any need for it.

Thank you for those points, it's very helpful. Unfortunately we have looked into funding ourselves for thr risk assessment and we cannot afford it.


Member since
December 2020

19 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 3:15pmReport post

Our child is 6, we just have one.

I'm finding it all very confusing because we have completed everything they have asked and then some. They have no evidence. It was an online offence only not online chatting or contact. Whilst I understand the element of risk there is alot we have done and continue to do so to prove otherwise. There has to be an endpoint surely? I'm happy to follow CIN and safety plan until I have completed my course and husband has completed probation but after that I can't see any need for it.

Thank you for those points, it's very helpful. Unfortunately we have looked into funding ourselves for thr risk assessment and we cannot afford it.


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 4:18pmReport post

It is confusing and difficult, especially because everyone views risk in different ways. Doing a programme doesn't necessarily reduce risk in and of itself, so a risk assessment needs to take into account the individual risk and protective factors and that's what seems to be missing in your case.

Your social worker needs to demonstrate that there is a probability of harm to say no unsupervised contact. If they are not doing a specialist assessment they should be working with probation and mosovo to determine his risk level and work from there.

With your child being 6, I would be asking about timelines for when this could be reassessed, as that is an age where she could tell you of any issues and you can easily put in rigid controls eg around personal care, doing PANTS work, and ensuring she has lots of trusted people around her to whom she could report concerns

Have you written a safety plan for if he did get unsupervised? This might demonstrate you have thought in detail about the potential risk of harm and how you would mitigate against it


Member since
December 2020

19 posts

Posted Wed January 17, 2024 5:00pmReport post

The PANTS work has been completed and I do the personal care and will continue to do so, although she is of an age where she is doing most herself with some assistance from me. Luckily, we have a good support network and I am always encouraging her to come and talk to us about anything and I am very open with her. I am in the process of writing our own safety plan. Our SW was supposed to come over before Xmas to help draft one, but it never happened because they were too busy. I think our focus this week is to get it de-escalated to CIN and then we can work from that.