Family and Friends Forum

SS closed the case

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Dance in the rain

Member since
July 2019

14 posts

Hi all,

Hope you are all doing as best as you can.

Just after some advice really regarding social services. On 5th June we were referred to ss as my husband was arrested for indecent images and these are cat A. Came to visit for my daughter (his stepdaughter) and okay'd supervised access with me in a public place. Her dad also spoke to them and said he was happy for me to supervise. We asked if it would be possible for my husband to join us on a weekend away with my mum, dad, sister and her family and brother and his. They came to do a safe touching lesson with my daughter, spoke to all the adults and approved it on the basis he was sleeping elsewhere.

On this visit they had spoken to the police and as he was only bailed for a month, ss have said they cannot keep the case open. Therefore have closed it. They have also said that he still can't visit the house for supervised contact with my daughter, but can visit other houses for supervised contact with me there. (my daughter has been told he can't live with us at the moment as he has to look after his mom, thought this best for her 9 year old ears). Having spoken to his solicitor, he has said that ss can't do anything of they have closed the case and there are no restrictions as he's not on bail. While I am in no way considering doing anything other than what they have advised, I am wondering at what point ss will be in contact again? Will this be when he is charged or will it then be probation?

I am aware that we have been very fortunate to get what we already have in place but just wondering if we need to contact ss when he's charged or if anyone has any idea on what happens after investigation.

Thanks in advance.

Posted Tue August 20, 2019 8:10pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

1 post

Hi we had similar with my son altho he was allowed home once released from bail ss also closed the case! How ever when he pleaded guilty the sh@t hit the pan ss came in like a tornado he was removed they where not nice an now is not allowed any contact with his partner or stepson ! If he had been told at the start not to live there her wouldn’t of and his outcome could of been different !

Just make sure you double check everything you get told

sending hugs keep strong xx

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 6:07amReport post


Member since
August 2019

15 posts

Hello, I’m new to the forum but am a year post-knock. To hopefully answer your question, charges were brought against my husband a couple of months ago and he is attending magistrates court tomorrow to enter his plea. I have been advised by my social worker (someone allocated to me by his workplace as he is in the military) that once he is convicted tomorrow then a pre-sentencing report will be written and this will be made available to children’s services who will then get in touch with me and I assume re-open the case.

So I am expecting to hear from them at some point between conviction and sentencing. They originally closed the case in October last year, 3 months after the initial arrest.

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 9:09amReport post

Dance in the rain

Member since
July 2019

14 posts

Thank you ladies for your responses,

Kristle - I do hope they are coping as best as they can. Do you mind me asking why they are not allowing his partner to see him, as I was informed that I am an adult and can do what I want it only affects my daughter? I am fortunate that my family are also supportive of my husband and situation so they continue to have my little girl as they always have - 2 nights a week so we can have some time together.

Stitch - I wish you all well for tomorrow. Thank you for your response. I have said that I will contact the SW once he has been charged to update her, so will keep her informed.

Thanks again ladies, take care of yourselves xxxx

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 11:54pmReport post

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