Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Hi all, I’ve been lurkinking here for a while, but never posted. I am 8 months post knock and no further forward, as part of my husbands bail conditions he is not allowed to come to the house or have any contact with our children. We eventually managed to get supervised FaceTime contact, but I am told by the social workers there is nothing they can do as it would be seen as interfering in a police investigation. The police say the social workers need to do their jobs, I am left doing everything alone for 3 children. Our youngest was only 5 months at the time of the knock, my oldest is autistic. My middle child is very emotionally sensitive and has had a hard time with the loss of his father, it feels like a sudden death, he went to work one day and never came home. My autistic child finds sudden change particularly difficult and his brother and I are often the targets of his meltdowns. I am told there is no emotional support available to them due to their ages.

Im trying to keep it all together, managing the stress that motherhood and special needs brings, not to mention having a new baby on my own. I know no one well enough to confide in them as due to my husbands job we have moved around a lot. My family live over seas and have some pretty serious problems to deal with of their own over there so are not in a position to come help me out. All I want is to go home (back to the country I grew up in) and it’s eating up inside that if I do my children will lose their father forever. He is a good person who did a bad thing, he was a wonderful father. I am trying to wait until he is charged and goes to court to make my decision whether to give up my immigration status and go home or not, but we are 8 months in and no further forward. In fact a couple of weeks ago more devices were seized from him. I feel like I’m drowning under the weight of all this and all anyone can say to me is “your so strong”. I don’t feel strong, I’m tiered, I’m tired of treading water. I hate this. Sorry I just needed to vent. I just feel so angry lately. I hope someone here can relate.

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 4:04pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Thistle

That's a perfectly normal feeling, it's hot us all at one time or another and will come and go throughput this process. One of the awful things about this situation is the waiting game which when you are part of it seems like forever!

The problem is there is no consistency so we can't even day it'll be this long because no one knows. Some are quick and others take forever, it depends on where you live!

You are doing really well, I can't imagine having the 3 children with their difficulties and managing in your own. I'm sure you are tired, this whole situation is tiring for someone without the responsibility of the kids.

Just try and hang in there as best you can, it'll be over one day but when that'll be we don't know.

Take care xx

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 6:28pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Hi Thistle,

This forum is an amazing support system and hopefully can see you through some dark days. Try and hang in there if you say he is such a good dad, it is worth seeing where this all goes before you make a final decision.

I can't imagine how hard it must be with 3 children and special needs. Maybe you could go to a children's centre to see if there are any day activities or help so that you can get some much needed me time. Or phone the helpline and see if they can advise.

Sending you love. Xx

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 11:45pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Thanks to the both of you. I guess I just feel angry and resentful that he gets to walk away with no responsibility for the kids, for the house, for the garden, for dealing with social services etc. It all falls on me, we just bought a house before he was arrested and had started to do it up, it’s now in a bit of a state as I can not finish it on my own and he is not allowed home. He will lose his career so I will have to sell it by myself and move us all by myself, it just really pisses me off that he does not have to deal with any of the fallout from this mess he has created. I really just want to go home, I want the support of my mum and dad, he gets to have the support of his parents and I don’t, which further frustrates me. I feel selfish for wanting to leave because I know that it will mean the end of my children ever having any sort of relationship with their father and they don’t deserve that. They’ve done nothing wrong, and yet now they would pay the ultimate price, losing a parent. I just don’t know that I can do that to them, they adore their father and do not understand why he won’t come home. It breaks my heart. I feel like an awful parent whatever I choose, as staying here doing it all alone means I will miss most if not all school functions for the rest of their school days, it will mean having a depressed mum. Will I ever stop crying everyday? It’s been 8 months, the longer it goes on the worse I get. I feel fed up of dealing with the bureaucracy of the police and social services.

Posted Thu August 22, 2019 8:14amReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Hi Thistle,

Have you had therapy yourself? I say that as I think it could be invaluable to you in helping you decide what you really want to do.

If you do decide to leave the children will cope, they do. It maybe difficult to start while they adjust but. It's very important they have a happy mummy.

Sending a big hug. Xx

Posted Thu August 22, 2019 11:58pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

9 posts

Hello Thistle,

I just wanted to send you a big virtual hug. I too am not from here and I have wanted to go back to the country I grew up in with my three children to have the support of my family. I also feel very guilty about moving the children away from their father, and on top of that, financial reasons don't allow me to move. I too have an autistic child (the youngest) and my middle one with other special needs, and have had to deal with social services and all that. I really feel for you, your situation is so difficult and isolating. Have you spoken to the helpline? They have said to me that I should decide what is best for me and the children. I know it's not to easy to decide though, to be the one who decides.

I hope the investigation will end soon and you will know what the charges are. Then you will perhaps know a bit better what to do.

Perhaps try therapy if you can, and call the helpline for someone to talk to.

Hang in there! xx

Posted Fri August 23, 2019 1:27amReport post

Quick exit