Family and Friends Forum

Youth offending team

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Anybody got experience of YOT & the support they offer? My stepson committed online offence when 15 & police have referred to YOT coz over 80 images of children aged 10-16yrs found on his laptop????He is now 17 & was arrested last April.

Posted Fri January 26, 2024 11:20am
Edited Sat January 27, 2024 9:13amReport post


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October 2022

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I've had Yot involved with one of my children not for iioc but for malicious communications. They bullied another child online. They were 14 at the time and the Yot worker was amazing! They helped my child turn their life around.

Posted Tue January 30, 2024 1:27amReport post


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May 2023

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Thank you I'm hoping my stepson starts having a life beyond his offending! He needs to get out of his room,get a part-time job,become more confident & finish his A levels
Been an awful rollercoaster of emotions for us so hoping YOT will help

Posted Tue January 30, 2024 7:50am
Edited Tue January 30, 2024 7:51amReport post


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March 2021

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A member of our family spent a year with the YOT whenhe was 16 years old as he received a one year referral order at youth court for having a similar number of images as your stepson. He did similar work with the YOT as the young person Inform course (that Stop it now run) some reparation work in the community and volunteering. He did this alongside his studies at school.

Have the police referred your stepson to YOT for them to help make a charging decision( I beleive this happens sometimes) or have the police decided not to charge?

The young person in our family now has a criminal record as the youth referral order will always show on enhanced DBS checks.

For us, the YOT helped our young person understand why they had gone down the wrong path and helped him move on with his life.

I hope this helps you in some way.

Posted Tue January 30, 2024 10:31amReport post


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May 2023

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Thanks I'm not sure all the details coz I'm having information 3rd hand.His Mum & Dad were in shock again last week coz they've tried to brush the offence under the carpet.He has done the inform course coz I pushed my husband to encourage his ex wife to get their son to do it.

Im trying to cope with this new information & my anxiety rising so any info from others in similar situations helps????

Posted Tue January 30, 2024 12:46pmReport post


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March 2021

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It maybe of some comfort to you that in the youth criminal system it is very much looking at the young person first and the crime second. All the work carried out by the YOT will have a reparation and restorative approach to it.

It sounds like it is possible that a decision to charge or not (by the police) has not been finalised yet? They may be seeking the advise/thoughts from the YOT?

It may also be comfort that if your stepson does go to Youth Court he will remain anonymous in regards to press coverage as he is under 18 years of age.

You could have a look at 'Just for Kids Law' website as this may also be of use to you.

Posted Tue January 30, 2024 1:39pmReport post


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May 2023

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Thanks Alison 20.I'm trying to push for counselling for my stepson but both his parents just want to leave it till the police & youth offending team make decisions.
I have worked with children & have my own & have always thought my stepson may be on the spectrum which has led to social difficulties & then this offence.He struggled with writing,co-ordination so possibly dyspraxia too.These diagnoses could help the support he receives for the offence but his parents are in denial.

So tough for all involved & my heads blowing!!

Posted Sat February 3, 2024 1:27pmReport post


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March 2021

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Hi Beyonce

I feel your stepson is lucky to have you as you trying to support him through this. From what you say it is quite possible that he is neurodiverse and hopefully through this journey it will be something that can be explored. The important thing is that your step-son begins to understand himself more, with the right support, so that he becomes fully aware how he ended up down this path and be supported to move forward with his young adult life.

As a family have you talked about or looked at the Young Person's inform course that Stop It Now run? the young person in our family did this course and it made a huge positive impact on their wellbeing and understanding why it has all happened. To be honest it was good foundations for him to do it before he worked with the YOT. It could be something you may consider, if your stepson wants to engage in it.

Just a thought have you spoke to the helpline? If you haven't you may find it beneficial to discuss the situation with them.

I hope this helps and I am thinking of you.

Posted Sat February 3, 2024 1:57pmReport post


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May 2023

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Yeah he has done the inform course & I spoke to the helpline last year.May call them again

Just trying to hold things together but mentally I'm dipping


Posted Sat February 3, 2024 11:21pmReport post


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March 2021

389 posts

Hi again

I know you are probably doing this but as you say you are mentally dipping remember to take good care of yourself and definitely take the time to look at your wellbeing too. You need to do what is good for you too, which may mean stepping back for a short while. This is a long journey a bit like a marathon and sometimes we can hit the wall, as we are only human.

You are doing a brilliant job and I feel everyone on this forum can relate to the times when we had our mental dips. I feel the 'unknown' takes its toll on are mental wellbeing and you are experiencing that at the moment as there is still no clarity on what the next stage is for your step-son.

Sending you caring thoughts and remember to also do what is right for you in this moment.

Posted Sun February 4, 2024 10:49amReport post


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May 2023

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Thank you so much for your words.I just want our family all running smoothly again.My daughter has taken me & her dog out for a lovely country walk & lunch so it helped to blow some cobwebs away????

Doing a bit of food shopping soon then chill after a few house bits to do.Life is a rollercoaster!!

Posted Sun February 4, 2024 2:07pmReport post

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