Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2019

59 posts

It’s been a while since I have posted, now that everything has died down I am just in constant paranoia, struggling to go out and do social things, if he gets a call always eves dropping on his conversations and constantly having nightmares.

I don’t really know why I’m writing this just my anxiety is on over load at the moment and I am just struggling to adjust to things after it went in the media I’m constantly wary about who knows or if people will confront me and just in general it’s eating me up I know that I’m always subconsciously thinking about it as I am constantly having nightmares.

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 8:35pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Evie

The media is everyone's dread and I'm sure everywhere you go you feel people are watching you, logically that probably isn't the case but it minds sometimes aren't logical!

Would you be able to see your GP and just discuss it with him/her, they should be very non judgemental and I have to say mine have been wonderful.

Are you having counselling? I'm currently seeing a counselor through the well-being NHS and she's amazing, she's through relate and really make me think, my anxiety was sky high 6 weeks ago but I've very nearly halved it - is this something you could think about

Take care xx

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 10:40pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Evie, sorry to hear your struggling with anxiety. People who have never suffered from it don't realise how debilitating it can be, affecting every part of your day. I have suffered many years from anxiety and I am surprising myself how I am coping with this mess. The media scares me the most and that's something I may have to cope with later down the line. I have over the years learnt techniques to help cope with anxiety. One of the ones I use which works is to ask yourself, " is anything happening now this very minute" if nothing is take a few deep breaths and move on. Every time a wave of panic comes over you, stop and ask that question again, again move on if nothing is happening in that minute. You keep doing this and eventually with practice you start to get a control of it. Your brain realises it's irrational thinking. Just do it every time a wave of panic or an anxiety ridden thought comes into your head. I hope it helps to give it a go.

Also like Tracey said, your Dr should be able to help you through this. I wish you well in getting relief and send a big hug. Xx

Posted Wed August 21, 2019 11:15pmReport post

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