Family and Friends Forum

Likely family court outcomes

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Member since
August 2019

9 posts


I left my partner on the day of his arrest. I supervised contact around 5 times with him and our son.

I am looking for likely family court outcomes? People who's ex partners have been charged and then have gone to family court for access?

I feel so sick he's the one done wrong now I am being dragged through family court. How I am suspose to cope ????????

Posted Sun August 25, 2019 8:38amReport post


Member since
August 2019

9 posts


Thanks for replying. I don't see as we would be able to sit down and agree, we haven't spoken much during the investigation. Unfortunately we have no relationship with the in laws they haven't seen my little boy in the last year and the year before that was 4 times over the year.

Posted Sun August 25, 2019 6:53pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

21 posts

Hi Sarah,

I went through the family courts with my ex-partner. When he was first under investigation in November 2017, I immediately stopped my children having contact with him. We already had a child arrangements order in place as he did have regular contact with the children. In January 2018, he took me to court as I was in breach of the order as I’d stopped him from seeing the children! Obviously I wanted to safeguard the children.. as did Cafcass, the police and social worker so it was decided then that he could only have indirect contact which was via letters each week! When it’s hard to get the kids to do their homework it’s even harder to get them to write letters each week!

We were then back in the family courts in March this year, 2 months after he was sentenced and it was decided that indirect contact could continue but letters and everything had to go via me first before the kids could read letters or even open their own birthday presents! They have got used to this but haven’t had any letters from their dad since he was remanded in November last year!

We have been informed that he is due for release at the end of this week, 9 months into an 18 month sentence, I’m dreading it but obviously he will have a number of restrictions in place and hopefully shouldn’t contact us. My children don’t want anything to do with him.

I got lots of support from Cafcass throughout the court process and felt reassured and confident when I had to go to the hearings as I was representing myself.

Take each day as it comes and we’re always for advice and support xx

Posted Tue August 27, 2019 4:23pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

9 posts

Thank you. You have given me some confidence in the fact there's a chance it could be indirect and u felt supported by cafcass.

I don't understand at all why they think they have a right at all to spend time with their children after what they have done :(

Ironically a few week before the knock at the door we where sat with friends discussing how horrific the crime was and how there's no going back ... etc.

Posted Fri August 30, 2019 8:21pmReport post

Quick exit