Family and Friends Forum

Can I request the conversation?

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Member since
February 2024

2 posts

Posted Mon February 5, 2024 8:57amReport post

My ex husband is alleged to have had an online conversation and that's what was flagged up and reported and what he was arrested for.

Is it possible to request to see the conversation?

I've had limited info from the police. Social services told me more and my ex husband, although admitting it happened, says they are both telling me things out of context.

Am I allowed to request to see that conversation under the FOI act or is that not something I can do.


Member since
April 2023

509 posts

Posted Mon February 5, 2024 9:14amReport post

I'll set the ball rolling as you will probably be waiting (LFF don't moderate forum entries from new posters over the weekend but when it happened to me I worried I'd said something out of line!) but others can probably give you more specific advice about this....... my understanding is that your ex has to agree to full disclosure to you before you are permitted to read or hear actual evidence. The other way would be to attend court and hear the evidence in that context. Probably not what you'd hoped to hear. I would also say that you need to be careful of both anything social workers or police tell you as many of us know how they can sometimes put a slant on things to suit their purposes (I hesitate to say 'lie' and we actually have a good non judgmental sw)) but also it's common for offenders to withold the truth because they are either afraid of reactions, have selective memories from the trauma, or are thinking that they would be stupid to admit to anything in case the police miss finding it - all short term solutions to things and none of that is a reflection on your ex personally as only you will know him.

I totally get you wanting to know facts, especially if you are in the early days of this nightmare and some of us absolutely need to know exactly what the details are. In those early days it is very common for the offender to withold details but they divulge more as time goes on and for some of us that has to do, whereas for some they never find out. I think it depends on our personalities and of course expectations from SS when things like a father's contact with his children has to be worked out

All a bit vague as advice but what is definite is that all of us on this forum are here to support you xx

PS Just found your other post about the specifics of your situation so I'll pop a post on there too (but I'll try to be less long-winded!!)

Edited Mon February 5, 2024 9:22am