Family and Friends Forum

How do you move on after court hearing

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Member since
November 2018

9 posts

my husband of 35 years was convicted July 2019 2 year suspended sentance

first knock on door was January 2018

Magistrates court in June crown court in july

I am totally gutted with what’s gone on, he’s 65 and I’m 60

he has also lost his job, so money will he tight

since conviction my husband had lived in a camper van for 6 weeks

I have decided to share a rented property away from the matrimonial home. Our hone is now up for sale

we have 2sons in their

30’s who have found this alll to distressing and don’t want to see their father

we have 3 grandchildren who my husband is not allied to see ( their mother has decided thus)

ny eldest boy visits me only when my husband isn’t around

who else has been in these sort

of circumstances am I doing the right thing ...,.,, help

Posted Sun August 25, 2019 4:38pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

91 posts


We are only 6 months post knock but our ages and length of marriage are almost identical. We all need to do what feels right for us at the time. Personally, I feel that my husband's actions have destroyed our future together. We were on the brink of retirement 'to spend more time together' but that situation is no longer at all attractive to me. Think about what you want. It will be a bit of an emotional roller coaster but look after number 1.

Lots of best wishes and hugs

Posted Sun August 25, 2019 7:04pmReport post

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