Family and Friends Forum


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

My (now) ex partner is currently on conditional bail and has been for almost 5 weeks. The investigating officer told me this is until October. Part of his bail conditions is not to contact me or my kids. He hasn't. My question is, what happens in October? Is that a likely timeframe for him to be charged or can bail be extended? Would I be notified if his bail conditions change? Sorry for all the questions.

Posted Tue August 27, 2019 7:32amReport post


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Hi Partner

Sorry I can't help you. I don't undertand why, but my husband was not bailed after the knock came 6 months ago. He was just told to let the police know of any new phones he bought and also to notify them if he was going to be away from his address for more than 24 hours. From readng the posts on this forum it is clear that bail can be extended until the police have completed their investigations.

Fingers crossed your situation becomes clearer and is sorted out quickly.

Posted Tue August 27, 2019 9:41amReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

Hi partner,

I’m a bit further on than you, but hopefully I can help.

My partner was arrested in March and bailed for 4 weeks. When the 4 weeks was up, his bail was extended (by a senior officer) to three months from the date of the arrest, which brought us to June. The extension was under the proviso that that should give them sufficient time to complete investigations. As it happened, that wasn’t the case and it just gave them chance to uncover other things which complicated matters. At the end of the three months, they either need to conclude (charge/don’t charge), release under investigation or apply to the magistrates to extend bail again. The magistrates will only extend once, so this is the final bail extension they can apply for. My partner’s bail was extended by the magistrates by an extra six months, which the officers said will be more than enough time (I’ve heard that before though), so we should have a decision by 13th December. Great Christmas present, hey?! Chin up - it’s damn hard work but you’ve made it 5 weeks, and those first few weeks are the worst part xx

Posted Tue August 27, 2019 12:25pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Thank you!

5 weeks today. Gosh I can't believe how quickly it's gone!

I hope your all doing ok x

Posted Wed August 28, 2019 7:26amReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

I’m 24 weeks in... I still have horrendous wobbles but they’re nothing compared to those first six weeks or so. It’s gone quickly but I also feel like this has been going on forever. I just want life to be back as it was before, but I know that’s not possible now. Xx

Posted Thu August 29, 2019 7:36pmReport post


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Unfortunately there is no time frame at all. We got the knock the knock july last year. Was released on bail for 4weeks, end of that was extended till Oct then come Oct November time they got an extension of bail from court till April. But in january received a a call saying bail had expires so was no longer on bail or under any restrictions but was still investigation was ongoing. To this day we are still waiting for a decision xx

Posted Sun September 1, 2019 9:51pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Almost 6 weeks. I'm so lonely. No one to talk about it with and the only one I spoke about everything with, is not allowed to contact me. What if he's innocent? I desperately want to hear his side. This is hard. Xx

Posted Mon September 2, 2019 10:20amReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Partner, it is a very lonely time. It will get better, I promise. There are lots of people here to talk to. Chin up my love x

Posted Tue September 10, 2019 10:32pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Thank you Sally xx

Posted Tue September 10, 2019 10:51pmReport post

Quick exit