Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2024

2 posts

Posted Thu February 8, 2024 3:45pmReport post

I came home from work last night to the worst news - my partners phone has been taken by the police as they suspect indecent images.

I don't want to speak to him and have been in the spare bedroom. We share a house and a dog and have been together 5 years.

I love him so much and I am really worried he is going to do something stupid.

I am living by my phone for a phone call from the police (he gave them my number to contact him) with no avail. I am a teacher and terrified of what the consequences of this is.


Member since
December 2021

44 posts

Posted Thu February 8, 2024 11:25pmReport post

Hi Zoz2024

You have had an awful shock. You sound so alone, you definitely did they right thing getting in touch with this forum. Is there anyone near by that you can reach out to for support? Please do not try to go through this on your own. Stay in touch with the Helpline as well.

Sending a large virtual hug your way.

My thoughts are with you.


Member since
January 2024

7 posts

Posted Fri February 9, 2024 1:55pmReport post

I am so sorry you are going through this. It really is a horrid shock. I'm 4 week since the knock and still can't believe it's real.

Im a teacher too and sadly due to safeguarding, work was informed via the LADO, of what was happening - which I was mortified about. But to be honest, they have been so supportive and it's actually been good that they understand what is happening to me and my children.

Try and find someone you can trust to share what you are going through. I'm so lucky I have some fabulous friends / family who are really helping me.

Don't be hard on yourself - give yourself time to process what's happened - take each day, one day at a time.

Sending a massive hug! Here if can do anything to help.


Member since
October 2023

291 posts

Posted Thu February 15, 2024 1:04pmReport post

So sorry you find yourself here. I'm five months in. I work in a school although not directly with the children. I informed DSL on the Mon morning after it had happened over the weekend. Everyone has been great. I just had to have a risk assessment done but I've moved out of our home for now until we decide what we're doing. Sending you strength and support xx


Member since
January 2024

14 posts

Posted Sun February 18, 2024 7:20pmReport post


I don't comment much on the forum but your stories in terms of the impact on profession resonated and wanted you to know you are not alone.
My now ex partner was arrested in Nov 23, triggered both social care and LADO as I not only have two girls of my own that he lived with, I am also a safeguarding lead in a secondary school. To say I was mortified and shocked is an understatement.
Only now, 12 weeks post knock, am I starting to get my head around it all after a wonderful 3 years with my partner and a great relationship/step dad to my girls.
His bail date is April but we have already been told this is likely to be extended and charges if when they come will likely be towards the end of the year

It's such a long terrible process for us all.

Keep strong x
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