Family and Friends Forum

Extra charges

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Member since
January 2024

8 posts

Hi, had the knock at the end of December 23 and since my partner was given court date where he can plead guilty in April but then don't know how long it will take for him to be sentenced. Currently he's just being charged with indecent communication with a minor but they still have his phone which means more charges could be added on I believe even though he says there's nothing else he could be charged with. Has anyone got experience with this? Could more charges be added on and if so can they be added on after he pleads guilty or is there a cut off date? How long did it take from when they plead till they got sentenced? Just feel like there's so many questions and never getting any answers.

Posted Tue February 13, 2024 8:47amReport post


Member since
September 2021

227 posts

So sorry that you have had to join this forum,but it will be an endless source of support, as will the LFF helpline.

None of us choose to be part of this & manage the best we can.

If the April court date is for Magistrates Court & he pleads guilty,it will probably be adjourned to Crown Court. The LFF has so much information to prepare you for this,both professional & personal.

Try to engage a defence solicitor who has experience in this field as it is quite specialist.

You are in no way responsible for this. Seek support & strength from here & trusted friends.

Posted Tue February 13, 2024 12:41pmReport post


Member since
December 2021

899 posts

Just a quick response. His phone will be destroyed as its been used to commit the offence, that is likely the reason it hasn't been returned.

They would have to notify him of new charges and he'd have to decide how to plea. His existing plea wouldn't apply for the new charges.

It's usually around a month between plea and sentencing.

Posted Thu February 15, 2024 7:45am
Edited Thu February 15, 2024 7:48amReport post


Member since
September 2023

881 posts

Hi, in my sons case the date for his plea hearing was given to him at the same time as the charges and the date for sentencing was given to him at the end of his plea hearing. He pleaded guilty and sentencing was 4 weeks after the plea hearing.
Sal is right, they will keep the phone if it has evidence of the original charge.

Posted Thu February 15, 2024 11:58amReport post


Member since
January 2024

8 posts

That's helpful thank you, does anyone know about what happens with them having access to their own children? Right now social work told me that he's not allowed to see her even if it's supervised but they told me that on the day of the knock and haven't contacted me since apart from through a health visitor who says they've closed my daughters case.

Posted Thu February 15, 2024 10:35pmReport post


Member since
July 2023

109 posts

you need to contact SS to get them to do an assesment or ask them when they are going to do it..... try and get that process going as much as you can even if means going on a "child in need" plan as that forces them into action and visits etc

I have been lucky that SS just have aligned with the police to continue supervised contact (maybe that is because it is images for us rather than communication) but I have seen on here lots of cases where SS don't even allow supervised contact until they have done their assesment which can take 6 to 8 weeks.... or maybe it was also becuase husband took himself to SAA and therapy 1 week after the knock so he has taken his addict recovery seriously

though this is horrible for you, we have all been there sadly but it looks like his case is moving quickly which is lucky as so many people are in limbo for years..... I am 8 month post knock and no sniff of court or anything and expect it will take years now and as the OIC has much bigger cases to work on and admits as such.

Posted Sat February 17, 2024 9:07pmReport post


Member since
January 2024

8 posts

Sorry to hear that it's such a long process to get to court for you, I'm constantly worrying that something will come up and his court date will get pushed back also. I have tried to get in touch with ss but have had no luck they haven't even bothered to phone me back after over a month. How did you go about getting in touch with them?

Posted Sat February 17, 2024 9:35pmReport post

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