Family and Friends Forum

Plea hearing

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Member since
July 2022

12 posts

I'm so anxious my husband has got his plea hearing at the magistrate court on 7 th March 20 month after the knock he is pleading guilty to 4 cat A , 1 cat B and 23 cat C. Images. The police who gave letter to him and his solicitor said prob get suspended sentence. What happens at the plea hearing is it something I need to attend ? As I would need to get time off work. Or is it better to attend sentencing hearing ? Any advice is gratefully received. It has had such a knock on effect in all of our lives. April we was supposed to be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary with the trip of a lifetime but .......


Posted Tue February 13, 2024 7:07pmReport post


Member since
September 2023

881 posts

Hi Dolly, plea hearing takes about 20 minutes. The prosecution outline the case and the person then pleads either guilty or not guilty. If they plead guilty they wil, e told that they need to sign on the sex offenders register within 3 days. I didn't go in to the plea hearing as my son didn't want me to but I did sit in the waiting room with him before he was called in.
If you can only attend one of the court hearings then sentencing is the one I think you'll husband would benefit more from, as it's very traumatic.

Posted Tue February 13, 2024 7:39pmReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

The plea hearing literally took 15 minutes. I'd say the sentencing was more important to be at if you think you can face it xx

Posted Tue February 13, 2024 9:27pmReport post

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