Family and Friends Forum

Convicted oh allowed home??

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August 2023

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Posted Wed February 14, 2024 6:38amReport post

Morning hope u are all well and trying to keep you spirits up.

My oh was convicted of having indecent images and a couple of videos on his phone in december' 23 he got 8 months suspended for 2 yrs, sex offenders register for 10yr and has some courses to do set by the judge. He never put any restrictions to him allowed back in the family home. However because he cant come back til risk assessment been completed (we keep asking for this but dragging their heels) They have already told my children and myself that he wont be allowed back til my youngest is 18 she is 13 in 2 months. Devestated is not the word we were told that nothing could be decided til risk assessment done but seems they have already made mind up without even talking to him. Ive been told that they are breaking the human rights act as he is entitled to a family life. Ive asked my children 12, 15 and 18 if anything inappropruate was done to them or if he ever made them uncomfortable n they answered no they woyld tell me straight away if he did. Ss havent asked our chidren outright and they are old enough and fully aware of everything going on. My oh was abused by a family member which os y he was looking on line to see if there was any pics of him or other family members on line.

Has anyone else had this problem where the court n barrister and his probation officer are saying no reason y he shouldnt be allowed home as children more than aware n old enough and its what we all want yet ss are saying no. He isnt even allowed unsupervised contact with the children and even tho ive done courses that they want me to do they not letting me be the contact supervisor. Do they really think i would want a man in my house who i thought could do anything like that to our children. He was found with no materual of indecent images of our children on his device yes he went about dealing with hos abuse the wrong way but is now asking for and wanting help to deal with this.

Sorry i just want to see if any1 can help as my advocate and oh barrister have said to get a solicitor, as we have a good case.

Has any1 elses oh been allowed unsupervised visits and moved back home?? If so can i have ages of children and where about in uk, as i know different laws apply im based down south of uk. Thank you for taking time to read this.


Member since
November 2022

409 posts

Posted Wed February 14, 2024 10:17amReport post

Slightly different situation, but my husband is currently released under investigation (so investigation still ongoing, but no bail conditions anymore).

Our children are 3 1/2 years, 2 years and 7 weeks old.

My husband is allowed to live at home, but I have to supervise him around the children.

Do you think you could push for him to move back home if you supervise him around the children?


Member since
November 2022

409 posts

Posted Wed February 14, 2024 10:18amReport post

We're based in the West Midlands.

I don't think different laws apply, I think it's just a question of luck - which social worker are you dealing with and what are their individual opinions?


Member since
July 2023

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Posted Sat February 17, 2024 2:42pmReport post

OH on RUI for images ......

He is living at home (in spare room) under safety plan that I can supervise all contact with children 18/16 and 4 years (well not the 18 yo now), and we are on CIN with SS.

They are about to close the CIN case...... I now know nothing can change until he is convicted in 1 / 2 / 3 years time :( whatever it may be.....

But before they close the case I wanted to know what is the plan after he is convicted but the SW can not answer this question or refuse to.....

I know we will get referred again at this point and then everything can change again, or even go back a step..... I think it is just so terrible how inconsistent it is around the country. Sorry but I think they just make it all up based on their personal opinions and how busy their service is, and end up putting all this pressure on us women.

I think I have given up on unsupervised for the 16 year old girl as 1) she is the step daughter 2) she will be so close to 18 before we get any resolution in reallty.... but I will be fighting for the 4 year old boy but I have also read things before that he will have to be 7.

I did the LFF inform course and there was a lady in my group who's OH was allowed back a few weeks after sentencing.

Just fills me with anger on your behalf and the reality of me starting a new job in a few weeks time and having to arrange so much childcare on my own which I could have had help with before all this :(

and then don't get me started when SW say they are worried about me and how much I am "taking on"!


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Sat February 17, 2024 4:32pmReport post

My oh is back at home and allowed unsupervised we have two children. Not going to lie it was hard work and I've had to do alot and battle a lot to get it to how we have but we've managed it it is possible


Member since
July 2022

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Posted Mon February 19, 2024 10:53pmReport post

Hi if you don't mind me asking you scared and confused what was your other half offence was it online to do with images or chat room I am also in a similar situation to be honest and I would love for us to try and work and get back to together x


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu February 22, 2024 4:14pmReport post

It was images only


Member since
August 2023

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Posted Tue February 27, 2024 3:39amReport post

Thank you all for your replies, i have done a course which they asked me to do but they still wont allow me to supervise the contact, as sw says its the message im sending my children in their future relationships.They lady that did my course said she was very happy with my umderstanding and cant understand why i camt be the supervisor as im fully aware of everything and also so are the children.

I have asked if i can supervise and im happy to do this at all times but still no. I really am thinking the legal route of talking to a solicitor is the only way to go.. As everyone ive spoke to accept ss have said they cant see y he cant come home and also ss are breaking the human rights law (solicitor, and my advocate have both told me this)

Y is life so hard???


Member since
March 2022

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Posted Wed March 6, 2024 9:08pmReport post

It has been a long road for us. We had over a year of supervised and very limited hours contact per week and that year of not being allowed back to live at home. Then we managed to get him home with a year of supervised contact. Then after sentencing supervision was removed and off CPP plan down to a CIN. The things that helped us was working with ss but we had an amazing sw. I never let anything go, pushed and battled and challenged but worth it.

I know everyone has a different story, different counties have different rules which is just bonkers, no blanket approach and it is pot luck depending on the sw and also how you work with them.

Good luck


Member since
May 2024

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Posted Thu May 16, 2024 9:43amReport post

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Edited Thu May 23, 2024 10:54pm


Member since
May 2024

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Posted Sun May 19, 2024 1:55pmReport post

My partner is almost 6 years into his 10years but has been told by his barrister that the unsupervised shouldn't be on there as it was images. He said everyone gets it put on there but shouldn't not always so he's in the process of getting it taken off. Seek legal advice for sure.

Edited by moderator Tue May 21, 2024 11:34am