Family and Friends Forum

each day is getting harder

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Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Evening everyone.

I have no idea were to start I have posted a few times before but I am really struggling things just seem to be getting harder an harder each day. We are nearly 14months post knock an no further on. I have so many things to sort I dont no were to start and feel so alone

Hubby is no longer on bail case has been with cps since may june time we still dont have a decision. Social services closed case in jan with safety plan in place but I am not allowed to supervise it myself. They sed my friend couldnt but since I questioned it in july they have gone bac on there decision now saying she can.

I am moving but dont wont to leave my hubby here thought it would of been sorted b4 I moved but it's not so I am having to move away at some point soon meaning the kids are not going to see there dad everyday. I have no idea how they are going to cope with this especially my youngest who keeps saying she misses him she wants him home. The longer it's taking to make a decision the harder she is finding it.

I am thinking about changing our surname but not sure weather to do this b4 I move or not.


Posted Sun September 1, 2019 10:03pmReport post

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