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suicidal thoughts

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Member since
September 2019

11 posts


Suddenly I find myself realising the person I was with, was a complete stranger.

He was extremely odd when I met him but I made excuses for him. Now I realise he was already looking at the wrong sort of stuff and involved on a lot of social media sites using awful language and sharing terrible stuff. He consumed a lot of alcohol and was two different people.

I have battled through years of doubts about trying to leave and have a teenage child, who was in fact a miracle as he hated intimacy.

Looking back now I was a complete fool and I am actually glad he was caught.

It is going to be tuff for both of us.

Unfortunately he now text’s constantly saying there is nothing left for him and he will be gone soon. My conscience has told me to help but I have not text him directly just alerted help. I have done what I can and know people take a dim view of me taking note of his cries for help.

Does anyone else have experience of this from their ex partner? What have they done?

Posted Mon September 2, 2019 3:07pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

11 posts

Thank you, you are right. He has taken over my life and destroyed his child’s future.

Obviously I would not want my child to know he went that way but as of today I believe he is still alive and working.

As you say he is an adult and I was forgetting I was not his mum, which was really what our relationship was.

Been such a fool


Posted Wed September 4, 2019 9:27amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Flipside

You haven't been a fool, you just trusted him like we all have.

People threatening suicide is really tough for all concerned and none of us wish that on anyone but at the end of the day you can't be with someone 24/7 and if they are really determined it will happen but I think in some cases it's a knee jerk reaction to not wanting to face up to what's happening

Take care xx

Posted Wed September 4, 2019 2:49pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

11 posts

Thank you Tracey.

i was being bombarded with texts for three weeks each with a view to his life ending. He is just adding to our recovery and I have done my best to inform any one who would listen.

He has been told to stop contacting me several times. He seems to think it is all about him and his demise. What he did is beyond words and I am sure there will be even worse news to come.

Our new life started the day of the knock and I will hope to never see him again. If he is convicted I will probably find out by reading the paper.


Posted Wed September 4, 2019 3:58pmReport post

Quick exit