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Ok I've panicked myself alot

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May 2019

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Posted Mon September 2, 2019 8:43pmReport post

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Edited Mon May 10, 2021 3:41pm

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Posted Mon September 2, 2019 10:06pmReport post

Hey whyus,

So I have just have a flick through this and also their website. They seem to mainly take hold of the big cases generally from what I can see or case of people in a position of trust. There were a few communication and image offences on there but I can't see loads of them.

Interestingly enough I searched my area as I know 1 names of people who have been convicted and in the local press and this was at the start of the year and this person isnt listed even though his offences were contact and in significant numbers(I appreciate that one offence in this area is significant but in relation to other cases this was big). So I think with everything to do with this bullshit situation we have been thrust into it could be about where you are, if its news worthy and if it gets covered.

I was also disgusted to see that they were asking for pictures of children on their FB page to use in stings and also on website gave a guide to online so called predator hunting- which really boiled my blood!

Try to take care of your self



Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Mon September 2, 2019 11:45pmReport post


I am in Scotland. In my sons case it was reported in the paper and this uk database. Those hunter groups are being investigated here. Someone’s case was thrown out here two months ago because the local judge declared what they did was entrapment. I have no issues with catching paedophiles but leave it to the police. Those groups are putting innocent family members through hell . The police don’t do things like that. I mean, where do you see the police posting a live video of anyone being arrested on Facebook? My sons case was a communication one. A stupid, stupid thing to do but he’s paying the price now with a prison sentence.


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Tue September 3, 2019 12:13amReport post


well said lee. None of us want children harmed but those groups are vile. My son was not caught by them thank god so no live stream carry on. That does not stop me knowing the pain and suffering they cause to innocent family members. If I had the energy I’d campaign to have them stopped but all my energy right now is taken up with worrying about getting my son home safe from prison. I know it’s his own doing that he got there but he’s my son and like every mother in the country I can’t help but worry.


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December 2018

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Posted Tue September 3, 2019 5:49pmReport post

I totally agree well said nicenana and Lee 1969, I would be the first to join you as well nice nanna if like you said if I had the energy to take these low life on ,also cant as it would just identify my son more ,so we are stuck , with no one to speak up for us at present .


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Tue September 3, 2019 10:47pmReport post

Nonna, that’s exactly right.By going ahead with it I’ll only bring more unwanted publicity to my door when it’s settled down now. That does not stop me wanting to take them on. I wish some mp or other would see that internet/ porn addiction is a huge issue in this country. There are some men out there who are just evil but the majority are just men with addictions who need help more than press or vigilante hounders. Like I said earlier our local judge threw a case out because he felt it was entrapment which it is. I want paedophiles off the streets but by the police and not by vigilantes who just want attention on Facebook! Sorry for the rant but my blood boils about them groups even although my son was not caught by them.


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Mon September 9, 2019 3:08amReport post

The UK Databese are idiots, absolute idiots. They make me so angry I could scream. Like nicenana, I'm in Scotland and my husband is on the page, luckily there is no photograph but our home address was on it and now my address. Idiots.

Last year I got horrific abuse from my neighbours who decided to share the page with my husbands details on it along with all the others in our 4000 population. There were more than a few! This caused concern for the police, the hate the page but it isnt breaking any law as its public information. The police then have to check the offenders more often than usual to make sure everything is ok. Having it shared again and again can send offenders off the grid, some if these could be serious risks so therefore they are making it less safe. Argh, drives me mad it really does.

As for them asking for pictures to use, that for me sends alarm bells. It's like one doth protest too much, like they are trying to hide their own offences in plain sight.

I'm usually a calm collected lady but oh man they fill me with hate. Dont look st the page, ignore it and with any luck like trolls they disappear without attention.

Phew. Sorry for that x
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