Family and Friends Forum

Telling your child daddy is going to prison?

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Member since
January 2019

7 posts

It’s been 14 months but in 2 weeks my ex is up for sentencing. At magistrates, he was informed 1-3 years in prison.

My daughter hasn’t seen her dad since his arrest, but I’m wondering about telling her about his prison sentence? Should I? If so, what could I say? She knows Daddy isn’t allowed to see her because he’s had bad thoughts which meant he’s looked at bad pictures which are against the law. That the police are cross with daddy and have said he isn’t allowed to see her.

I feel like I need to tell her, but unsure if the words.

Any advice? She’s almost 7.

Posted Mon September 2, 2019 9:43pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi wolfmama, my advice would be to talk to a wonderful charity organisation called Families Outside. They are amazing. They can send you out everything you need including a book for children about a loved one going to prison and what to expect. They were a massive support to me.

They had a lovely chat with me and helped me decide that I shouldnt tell my children daddy was in prison. They were 4 and 6 at the time. He was sentenced to 6 months so was out in 12 weeks, I told them he had a job away and would be back on a certain day. He could phone them once a week and they could send him drawings and letters. Even now 4 years on they dont know he was in prison. They knew he done something bad and coukdnt live with us and it just so happened he got "a job offer".

Trust you instincts, if you want to tell then do it, if not dont. There is support out there and me too. X

Posted Mon September 9, 2019 2:29amReport post

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