Family and Friends Forum

Social services changed their mind

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Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Posted Wed February 28, 2024 8:15pmReport post

Hi everyone,

I reported my partner for reoffending and he was arrested a few days ago for possession of indecent images of children.

His bails condition include no unsupervised contact with children under 18, no direct or indirect contact with me, no direct or indirect contact with our son unless social services authorize supervised contact.

SS called me yesterday to tell me that they wouldn't be doing an assessment as we live separately.

Someone else from SS called me back today and said that despite what the first social worker said, they had received some very concerning information. They asked me what I knew, they tell told me that he wouldn't be allowed to have contact with his child and that after bail was over he wouldn't be allowed unsupervised contact at all.

They told me that on the phone before seeing me or doing a risk assessment. Should I be concerned? Did they find something new between yesterday and today? Or is it normal?

Thank you

Edited Wed February 28, 2024 9:18pm

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1091 posts

Posted Thu February 29, 2024 9:53amReport post


Hopefully ss will come out soon to discuss things with you. I think as his conditions prevent direct or indirect contact with you or your son then any assessment at this point would be purely to establish if anything had happened to your son. That doesn't necessarily mean that any evidence of this has been found but perhaps the information passed on by police suggests that the images contained children of the same age and gender as your child.
I hope that you get answers soon and well done for reporting, I imagine it has been tough for you. Sending love and strength xxx