Family and Friends Forum

Am I allowed to ask SS if police said anything I didn't know about?

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Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Posted Sat March 2, 2024 2:49pmReport post

Hi everyone,

Am I allowed to call social services and ask them if the initial device scan had shown anything of if they had any information before I decide what I want to do in terms of safeguarding measures?

My person was arrested a few days ago and is on bail.

They are still to conduct a risk assessment

Thank you

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1091 posts

Posted Sat March 2, 2024 7:07pmReport post


This is a tricky one as it was you who reported I'm not sure what information you'll be given etc.

You certainly don't need to rush into any decisions so if you are able to wait for ss to get in touch with you then you might find that they will have as much information as they're going to have until after sentencing.

What are your thoughts in terms of safeguarding measures? It may help to write a list of a few scenarios; what is your bottom line for cutting contact altogether and the impact on your child?

If you're happy for contact to continue after bail conditions are lifted, who supervises and where?

If you are looking at staying together what does this mean for all of you?

You won't be able to think of every situation, well you might but you may drive yourself insane with it. So perhaps just think about what support you and your child needs in this interim period that ss may be able to provide. When they come to you with what has been said by police you can request some time to process it all before deciding on a plan. They should understand as they shouldn't make decisions with only half the facts so why should you xxx