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Jobs being terminated

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Member since
May 2019

59 posts

I am on holiday with my Mum, Dad and boyfriend. Dad asked me to go to his car for him and get his book, when I was getting his book I found a letter from the company he works for, my heart sank immediately I knew what it was regarding as it was very well hidden. It was a letter saying his job had been terminated in May, he hadn’t told me which hurt as one the trust is low anyway and two I’ve been through all of it with him. He assures me that he has another job and his passed his probation but it scares me that he may lose his job again and that he might not be being honest! We’re skint for money as it is.

My question is people that have got through it and it was out there in the media, do you know that anyone still managed to get a secure job?

So worried x

Posted Sun September 8, 2019 11:10pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi Evie,

It is tough to find a job. If it's been heavily publicised then one small Google search and the secret it out. Unfortunately my husband is in the situation where hes struggling for work. He was dismissed after his arrest then more recently after his prison release.

We live in a very rural area where everyone knows everyone. We are in the process of moving, he has changed his name so nothing comes up in a Google search. There are certain companies who dont ask for criminal convictions to be disclosed, usually labouring and factory work. They are the best type of jobs to go for. It's difficult as some say its dishonest and "they shouldn't be working anywhere" but everyone needs to make ends meet. Dont worry itll be ok x

Posted Mon September 9, 2019 2:15amReport post


Member since
May 2019

59 posts


So it was puplicised in our local paper and then on the website of our local paper.

He got a suspended sentence and didn’t go prison, and he doesn’t work in labour but he is a lorry driver so I don’t really understand why he would be at any risk doing his job as he doesn’t work with any children only adults... I am hoping it’s just when it came out in the media in May and now hopefully it won’t be as hard, would they have done all there searches by now? I HATE how secretive he is I know he didn’t say as he didn’t want to worry me/us but now I’m going to be constantly over thinking whether his secure or not.


Posted Mon September 9, 2019 7:10amReport post

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