Family and Friends Forum

I can't handle this anymore!

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Member since
August 2019

4 posts

I'm really close to give up.

This is so unfair. I mean he's with his father and I'm left alone with baby and mother in law as another big baby. She's been here over two weeks and I still can't eat my breakfast in peace. She just even said " hurry up before baby wakes up" yeah, thanks for your help missy!

She's old but she came here to help me for gods sake!!!

And everyone thinks about his good, no-one asked me what I want. And I'm just talking about his family as mine lives abroad. My mother is terrified of flying so she won't come. There's only 3 people knowing about situation as we want to keep it as a secret. He's not guilty yet.

I don't have anyone else to help me. Police told me after 4 weeks my partner will be able to visit us. SS said only if they say so, but first we need to do a 42 days assessment!

My baby is a teething monster and I'm turning into depressed zombie. I wanted some help from anywhere but they're saying they will take baby, because I can't handle this. I don't know what to do! I'm exhausted and I'm getting my post natal depression and I can't get help from anywhere.

W I didn't do anything wrong! Why I need to pay for his faults?!????????????

Posted Mon September 9, 2019 10:57amReport post


Member since
July 2019

91 posts


You are doing so well by expressing your feelings and situation. The best advice I can give you is to call the helpline. They are brilliant listeners and can offer all sorts of advice. They are very knowledgeable and can give you clear, accurate information. Also keep coming to this forum and the ladies here can offer help based on their own experiences.

Lots of hugs


Posted Mon September 9, 2019 12:14pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Ohhhh lovely what a terrible situation ur in ! Take a deep breath is there any way u can go to ur family abroad? Just to get out of the situation for a while ? As for ss as long as u put ur baby first no1 will take ur baby from you! U may need to talk to ur dr to get some support from them! Sorry ur in this situation xxx

Posted Mon September 9, 2019 12:22pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Joanna

What a mess this all is and it didn't seem to get better for a good long while. Things will improve but it takes time.

I think Janno is right, would you be able to visit your family for a little break?? Can you not tell your husband to soak with his mother about what your need her to do to help you not add to your problems?

Definitely ring the helpline, they are amazing and also go and see your GP, preferably before the PND gets a good hold of you, is the health visitor still involved?? Remember it's confidential what your tell them but they may be able to help

Take care xx

Posted Mon September 9, 2019 10:54pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Hi Joanna, I know how you feel, it’s awful the position we find ourselves in, trying to juggle it all alone. My mother in law was the same, she came to visit and stay for Christmas last year after it all happened and I just couldn’t take looking after her as well, definitely easier doing it alone, though all I want to do is go home and be taken care of myself.

Posted Tue September 10, 2019 11:50amReport post

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