Family and Friends Forum

Court date, what now?

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Member since
May 2023

13 posts

Posted Sat March 23, 2024 9:27pmReport post

Partner got a call from solicitors with a court date very soon. Advised of the charges, possession in all categories from a single device, and advised to continue guilty plea (long story about a very scared person advised wrongly by duty solicitors to claim guilty despite denying knowledge, now he's backed into a corner with no choice unless we had 25k spare and a long losing battle to fight).

We're in a pretty small busy body county, I've seen other charges in the local paper. What should I expect? What do people advise re social media, names, relatives (especially the local ones on his side).

Any time scale for things to blow over if they are reported?

Should I look to take time off ...

Thanks all


Member since
September 2023

876 posts

Posted Sat March 23, 2024 10:52pmReport post

We're also in a very small community so I understand your fears. My persons case was published on line on the day he attended magistrates court and a week or so later in the local paper. The same thing happened again after crown court.

He had removed himself from social media soon after his arrest. I closed my social media accounts the night before court and chose not to read the media reports or comments.

The media made the case sound really bad and called him a 'P' in the headline and write up. They published his name, age and address but made no mention of any family members. Even though we had informed close family members of his arrest we didn't know all the details so only shared what we knew. This meant they were shocked by what they read but have remained supportive.

I hid away for a few days but eventually needed to go out and buy food. Once I had been out a few times without anything bad happening I stopped worrying quite so much.

My person took much longer before he felt able to go out in public but having to do community payback helped him with this as it forced him to leave the house and mix with others.

We're now 6 months post sentencing and as much as we wish the media hadn't published the story, we now look at it as we've got nothing left to hide and that the people who have remained in our lives have done so knowing the details. We got through it just like we've survived everything else.


Member since
November 2022

332 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2024 1:42pmReport post

We are 5 weeks since media attention we removed ourselves from social media best thing ever as we couldn't read what was said, we purchased a ring doorbell which made us feel easier at night, we pretty much laid low the weekend after media then daughter went to school on Monday I went to work on the Tuesday, we have gone shopping outwith area which was our own choice, we can't control what people will say but we can not put ourselves in situations that could cause us upset.

Our closest family already know and as soon as it hit media I spoke to the friends who were important to us and my place of work also where I have had no issues, my daughter had one person say something to her at school her friends backed her up and school reacted immediately which I am grateful for.


Member since
December 2023

256 posts

Posted Mon March 25, 2024 12:50pmReport post

Another small community here too. In the media twice. House was graffittied and I was then burgled as a direct result. Now have security cameras and a marker on my property with the police. Don't like going outside the house at night and 18 months down the line still jump at noises outside etc.


Member since
May 2023

13 posts

Posted Mon March 25, 2024 5:57pmReport post

Ocean - this is local court so I assume there may be more court visits to go as I had read/assumed all cases go further than just local... I've seen a case in the paper when looking, worse situation re communication etc. OH doesn't want to talk to their family - who are local - so I've no idea how this will go for them if publicised. I have to work the day after so no escaping things for me, no idea how many colleagues read these things or who know their name enough to make a connection. I dread anything relating to me being published though (it's my house he lives in and I was home when the police had entered while walking the dogs so I will be in their report. Hopefully just not named anywhere so nothing for media to drag)

Inturmoil1974 - I am looking at cameras, my concern is vehicles. We both have motorcycles and my car lease.. I'll get on that asap for peace of mind

Anxiousgirl - that's awful, I'm hoping camera will deter vandals and my properties front is very small (hope nothing happens to neighbours as my drive overlaps their house so could be mistaken) I hope things get better and hope its not that way for me


Member since
September 2023

876 posts

Posted Mon March 25, 2024 8:21pmReport post

Hi Aardvark, my son attended the same local court building for both magistrates court and crown court. Both courts shared the same entrance and waiting room. To be honest I don't think it makes any difference if you take time off work or return the next day, you still have to go to work at some point. I walked into work as if nothing had happened and even though I am aware that some people know, no one has ever mentioned anything or treated me any differently. It's hard but the first day back is the worst and then it starts getting easier. We're now 6 months post sentencing and I no longer worry who knows and who doesn't.
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