Family and Friends Forum

Accomodation for separated partners, where are they living?

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Member since
July 2019

37 posts

Posted Fri September 13, 2019 7:23pmReport post


I know there are lots of us in similar positions where our partners are no longer in the family home either by our own choice or because of stipulations by children's services.

Where have your partners moved out to? Hotels? Family? Rented rooms? What practicalities are there to consider eg after conviction, possible job loss etc.

Thank you.


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

Posted Fri September 13, 2019 9:42pmReport post

Hi WorriedMum

Not in a situation like you as we don't have children. But wanted to wish you luck with it all. It may be worth booking an appointment with Citizens Advice - they will be able to give you some practical advice and you could start to put some wheels in motion before the poop really hits the fan. X


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Fri September 13, 2019 11:28pmReport post

Hi worried mum,

My husband moved into his parents for the weeks before sentencing then after prison he was put in homeless accommodation. He was supposed to come back but he didnt due to community backlash. He got a council flat for 4.5 years now we are finally moving.

He lost his job before sentencing. He was in nursing, so after his guilty plea he was dismissed. It really depends on what kind of job he is in x


Member since
March 2019

62 posts

Posted Sat September 14, 2019 6:23pmReport post

Hi, I'm starting to think about this. We don't have kids, but between the knock and his depression (before, and worse since) I think we need to be apart. Or, I need to be apart from him. I still love him, but not as the man I married. It's my house, I'm the only breadwinner - he hasn't worked for years, caring for his mother. She's passed now, and there is no family locally on his or my side, so where does he go? It would be easier for me to move out (less stuff and I could deal emotionally better than he can at this juncture) but I can't pay this mortgage and a second rent. Is there any support out there which could help? At least into l he finds his feet. He's in no state mentally to work so would probably end up on whatever the equivalent disability benefits is these days..
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