Family and Friends Forum

A year to the day

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Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 1:24amReport post

so I attended another meeting with my social workers yesterday (our daughter is under a child in need plan) they had an update from the leading investigator to say the case was going to cps that day and would take 28 days which would literally take us to the 1 year mark! Our knock came on the 12th of October last year, we’ve been living a lie to our friends and families all this time, we’ve managed to hide the dirty secret and almost live a relatively normal life despite hubby living in a flat in the next town, because he travels with work it’s always been easy to hide, I’m scared everything is going to come to light in 28 days and feel I’m living a time bomb, only 3 friends know our secret and I’ve no idea how to prepare my daughter, my sons (who have left home) my friends, my family and myself for what’s about to happen, I still love him and we’re together but I’m scared of what I’m going to hear and what we need to face, we’ve lived in a small community for almost our entire lives and I just feel impending doom, not sure what I’m asking for here other than support and just a chance to say how I feel




Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 1:37amReport post

How old is your daughter JB72? It is all about age appropriate discussions. Social work will not force you to tell her anything. You are her mother and it is your choice.

You must be so exhausted keeping this hidden for so long. There is no reason for it to come out from CPS. That will be at time of sentencing, if the media take an interest in it anyway. Take it one day at a time my love, you will get through this x

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 10:00amReport post

Hey JB,

Just sending you all my support. As Sally said take it one day at a time and focus your energy on where you can affect change not where you have no control.



Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 12:22pmReport post

Hi, just wanted to send you some support. Having a date when it could possibly come out is difficult. Try & see it as a move forward in some way from just waiting, which can feel like never ending. My advice would be please try not to panic as I did & rushed into telling my brother, which in hindsight was wrong, I was very emotional, no control etc.
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