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Second Interview

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Member since
December 2021

23 posts

Posted Sat April 6, 2024 8:38pmReport post

My ex has messaged to tell me that he has been asked to go back to the station and to get his devices back and have a chat. They've said its nothing to worry about, but I'm sure they've just said that so not to create a worry.

Is that he's getting his devices back meaning that there's nothing on there?

He was RUI 2.5 yrs ago, was because he arranged to meet someone under the age, which turned out to be a police decoy, and he actually went to the location and met the decoy. So was not involving images etc. Denies he genuinely though they were under age and it was a catfish.

A charge is expected for the initial arrest, just trying to mentally prepare for there not to be more to come out.


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

Posted Sat April 6, 2024 10:55pmReport post

Hi Lost,

It is fine for your ex to go and collect his devices but as for a chat... He absolutely must not say anything without a solicitor present, even if the chat is painted as an informal chat. It is his right to have a solicitor and should the police ask any questions he must say he wants legal representation, if this is denied or fobbed off he needs to be firm that it is his right. I have no doubt there are some police officers who do their job with justice in mind and act fairly but from experience I know there are a lot who are not, and especially with cases like this.

If he is allowed his devices then that will mean that nothing illegal was recovered as devices containing illegal content will be destroyed.

Edited Sat April 6, 2024 10:57pm


Member since
September 2023

837 posts

Posted Sat April 6, 2024 11:12pmReport post

Hi Lost, when my son was asked to attend the police station for a chat or as it was worded at the time, an update on the investigation, he was given his charges and the charges turned out to be worse than expected. His devises were returned as there was nothing found on them.
Thinking of you at what I'm sure is a very worrying time.


Member since
December 2021

23 posts

Posted Sun April 7, 2024 12:06amReport post

Hi both

Thanks for the replies. I had hoped that too, as if there was anything then it could be considered evidence so wasn't allowed to be returned.

A duty solicitor will be present apparently as he hasn't looked for one throughout the time he's been RUI.

In one sense I'm pleased there's nothing more than what I already know (or think I know) But at the same time I'm very aware that this is the beginning of the end, and all the potential fallout that it will carry

Edited Sun April 7, 2024 12:08am