Family and Friends Forum

Living the nightmare

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Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 8:48amReport post


I have been lurking for a few weeks and have finally plucked up courage to say hello and to tell you my story.

We had the knock 18 months ago following intelligence from the National Crime Agency. We were shocked and none of us had a clue what the police were taking about. They seized devices including phones, ipads and a desk computer.

It has taken them over a year to analyse the devices and a few months ago they asked my husband to attend the police station for a voluntary interview. On the desk computer images were found around 40 all 3 categories. None of us knew anything about the images including my husband.

We had got a second hand iphone some time ago as my son is always breaking his and we tried to unlock it on the desk PC. We don't know if this is where the images are from. Obviously the police were told this and they said they would make further inquiries.

3 weeks ago SS called wanting to update me. They came round with the police and said that the CPS were pressing charges. They then said that he had to move out.

3 weeks later the police have not returned any calls from the solicitor, he has still not been charged but continues to live at a relatives.

The computer has been used by all 4 of us, including my 2 sons one of whom is over 18 and the other under 18. None of us kinow anything about the images including my husband. I believe him totally, he denies it, there is no evidence that says it is him. All other devices were fine, nothing on them. I don't understand how there can be enough evidence to charge him but not me or to suspect the boys. Not that I think the boys have done anything either. We have all sat down and discussed things fairly openly. My younger son admitted to looking at porn but it was consensual adult stuff you find easily nothing untoward.

I feel like I am in some dystopian world, where you are guilty until proven innocent. Where SS come along and make threats without it seems any legal framework. My husband has not seen my younger son for almost 3 weeks now. The police are not returning calls and yet somehow we all have to try to keep going.

From reading on here i am not the only one living this nightmare but from what Ii can see many of your partners admitted to looking/downloading images.

Any advice/support would be welcomed, I live in a lonely world at the moment.

Chocaholic xxxx


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 8:52amReport post

Sorry for signing with a different name, I forgot what name I had registered with!


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Sun September 15, 2019 9:37amReport post


It's a crap club to be in isn't it!

Unfortunately you're right about being guilty before any verdict of children are involved, not so much the case of there aren't any children. We didn't have any, or they were adults and my husband carried on as usual even with his job etc because it wasn't anywhere that needed to know!

Have they charged him yet because I thought once they are charged they have to be seen in magistrate court within a short time frame?

Maybe they are checking out the 2nd hand phone

It's so rubbish and you must be living in a knife edge, I'm so sorry your going through it

Have you all got help from your GP or counselling, you must make sure you look after yourselves

Take care xx
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