Family and Friends Forum

What does it mean in longrun...

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Member since
March 2023

28 posts

My kids dad showed me the court letter he received from Dec 2023 regarding the outcome for his arrest in June 2022.

Says on it sentence is 10 month jail time but suspended by 2years and the community work is 200hrs unpaid......

Does that mean that his still going to be facing jail time for iv started the supervision vists as of March this year after ss has given me the opportunity for the children to be able to see thier dad on thier term only as bien at my home 2 time have I done the ultimate NONO....( how long should vists lasts to be fair for all parties involved especially with my kids) in the children age from 2yo, 12yo and 17yo.... never allowed any alone time to do my sons nappies away from him too.... its all new things to be doing a course for the LFF after I finished a course I'm currently doing until June this year...

Please let me know if there is anything I'm doing wrong now because of my worry about my kids bien affected in all this.....

Much appreciated for anyone having the same situation as myself......

Posted Sun April 7, 2024 9:19amReport post

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1127 posts

Hi Whisper,

Unless he breaches his conditions or commits any crime within the two years he won't face jail time for this offence. I think you should ask if he received a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and how long on the Sex Offenders Register. These are important for how you move forward with ss.
I don't understand what you mean about the ultimate nono. Have ss agreed to supervised visits? If they have and there isn't any restrictions on where they can see their dad then that's fine.
In terms of length of visits that depends on how you and the children are coping, if you are happy with a couple of hours but feel any more would be a struggle then just do a couple of hours. I had it written into my safety plan that I can decide the frequency and length of visits and increase/decrease as appropriate. We've slowly built up to two visits of about 6/7 hours each week.
I'd say that if there are no special needs then ss don't actually need to be involved with your 17 year old unless their dad has a no contact clause in his SHPO. The 17 year old should be allowed to make their own decisions around contact including unsupervised if no legal requirement for supervised xxx

Posted Sun April 7, 2024 10:01amReport post


Member since
March 2023

28 posts

Tusm for that to say regarding what we got regarding ss them have signed off my kids to anything regarding ss I was advised I said I'd get family support I wasn't given anything out in paperwork but the safety plan sounds good like a contact between me and my kids dad is that what you're saying my 17yo is happy for anything regarding my says as my self iv never bien in this situation so basically I'm doing everything that is what kids want to regarding the limited vists they do at monthly atm as his nr far to travel to see them we not travel to him sorry if not agreed but the fact he drives its his option for to see em but I was told that I'm risking to him coming into the family home but it's were kids feel like they are happier aswell as to going out wen possible in where kid's was looking at going.... does his po need telling on anything because I don't know either..... many thanks for your time with your response.... take care chick xx

Posted Sun April 7, 2024 1:40pmReport post

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1127 posts

If ss have closed the case with you supervising then that's all that needs to happen for now.
If the situation changes then his po will need to know, this is for changes in supervision and/or your relationship xxx

Posted Sun April 7, 2024 5:18pmReport post


Member since
March 2023

28 posts

The relationship is never going to be looking at getting bk with him only now so that the kids if want to see him I'm happy to supervision until how long has to happen to see if he will stay on the straight side of bien a better father to the kids but I couldn't be with him again I just can't I know that may be hard to him accept but tough to say goodbye to our relationship we both need to be responsible parents for the kids from now on......x

Posted Sun April 7, 2024 7:58pmReport post

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