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Newbie here - How can this stay quiet?

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Member since
September 2019

1 post

Posted Tue September 17, 2019 7:45amReport post

How can we keep this quiet?

I am terrified my children will find out their grandad had been arrested & released pending investigation of possession. How can I protect them? The police say they only inform social services and that SS will phone me for safeguarding advice but will they te the school? Wilm the school then tell the staff? What if the staff gossip to their friends? What if something is published k the papers?

The police said not to worry but they dont arrest someone for no reason. An arrest with a warrant to remove devices must mean they have evidence already surely? How can I believe or trust anything he tells me?


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Tue September 17, 2019 10:50pmReport post

Helli, I'm glad you found us but sorry you had to look. It's a horrible situation.

With my husband, the police came with a warrant after monitoring him for a month. It was only when he deleted the app that they turned up. It could be accidental possession and they will clear that up as quickly as they can.

As for keeping it quiet, there are a lot of factors. If you live in a small town with little going on and a weekly paper the media may pick it up but at present it will only be a small court file. The school will be told by social services, it will be on a need to know basis. If the school teachers decide to tell others then they can be dismissed for breech of code of conduct and the data protection act. You may feel like you are the only parent in the school going through this but believe me you are not. Someone will already be going through it or they have had someone in the past. I have had nothing but support from my childrens schools.

Take is easy as the moment, you are early in and the shock is still there. You cant prepare until you know what they have found or what they are looking for.
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