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The gift that keeps on giving & The Knock … help somebody!

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The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Member since
April 2024

6 posts

Posted Mon April 22, 2024 9:35amReport post

I have been here helping and hurting for over 7 years..

married 40 years with a perfect family (I thought & church friends). my life was torn apart when I got The Knock! Unknown to me my OH had been online and I am amazed I am still alive.

I wish I went to court with him but I was too sick at the time,

He had not told me the full truth and the police didn't either. They just wanted a easy conviction. They seem to treat the innocent partner worse than anything and show no empathy whatsoever. He was placed under investigation which went on 2 and a half years. He had shared pictures ABC and the police were determined to get a custodial sentence. He served 15 months prison locked up Covid and 15 months license.

No thought or help is given to the innocent partner.

scare tactics and bullying is awful.

The papers, FB, shared their stories and all hell seemed to let loose.

my car, my home was destroyed more than once as they had shared my address.

They are about to do it again!

i was prevented from seeing any of my grandchildren. I used to care for them daily.

my oldest son and myself paid for a course and weeks of councilling it was a course they do in prison.vHe did not defend himself and his barrister did not mention this. He used to work on the prosecution side. IMHO I don't think barrister ever changed.

social services interviewed all my grandchildren. She was smirking as I had taken her to court many years ago.
My partner was given a SHPO the police get what they want.

my heart goes out to each of you. My younger brother and sister died. They protected and visited me often. My partners two brothers died. We were both beref and had nobody!

my daughter started a hate campaign. I know most of what she said was lies. She tagged me in all the hunters and family and friends on facebook. I had always treated her like a queen. I will never know why she was so bad to me. I felt suicidal as I lost everything. She even told the whole LDS (Mormon) church.

if you care for someone ALWAYS go to court. If I had of gone the whole truth would of been told. My daughter only wanted Criminal Injury Compensation I was told.

she will never let me see my grandchildren again. It's over 6 years now)She helped the police to lock her dad up. He had cancer, diabetes, aortic aneurysm 4cm and a porn addiction. He was shown no mercy nor was I. I'm a religious person and my partner was banned from church forever.

i got divorced. But I went to visit every two weeks and paid money into his prison account. I knew the newspaper had sensationalised everything. They sold the story everywhere, I wouldn't wish this on any of you or the devil himself.

as if enough damage has not already been done, because he was so ill I let my ex husband live at my home and try to care for him. I was getting my home wrecked and other attacks. I asked probation, before he moved in if his name could be changed. She said yes. Now the police have sent a court order again for the magistrates. They are saying he has breeched. He thought they already knew. It was me who had to get his name changed because the police couldn't or wouldn't defend me.He is very ill and I have lost everyone. It's awful when you can't trust the police. They just want this in the papers, There is no justice. None at all. My heart is broken. This has been going on 7 years now. I never hurt a child or anyone in my life or broke the law, have never hurt anyone on purpose. Does it ever end? I now don't have a real friend in the world.

TGTKOG please don't end up like me


Member since
April 2024

7 posts

Posted Mon April 22, 2024 8:52pmReport post

I am so sorry for everything you have gone through and continue to go through. I can't offer any help but didn't want to not reply without sending you a massive virtual hug.

none of this is your fault, there is so much support here although it may be better posting this to the discussion board rather than here as it has a lot more visitors.

sending you positive thoughts

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Member since
April 2024

6 posts

Posted Wed April 24, 2024 7:13pmReport post

Thankyou Penny

your kind words mean a lot.

i am a legal secretary and ended up broken.

the breech is because he changed his name. I had done it and had asked probation.

He is very honest (now) but he had not told his police worker.

This time I feel awful because I did the change of name.

Nobody ever thinks this can happen to them.

To anyone else struggling don't leave anything to chance. My then partner

had cancer but didn't tell them. The prisons are full so depending on the judge very few are going to prison. Don't rush into anything and remember it not you that has committed the crime. Don't rush into divorce. Give yourself time to think and live life day by day.
I send my love to all of you. Nobody want to be in this position. I had paid for ex partner to have a full course meetings with an ex probation officer. It was long before trial that he felt sickened at what he had done.

i am starting to meet new friends. The past is something i refuse to live in.

i am going to the magistrates in a few hours. Remember to tell your police worker everything.

we are all stronger than we think we are.

wishing you all the best. You can ask me anything.

sending love ??
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