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Prison contact

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Member since
February 2019

10 posts

Hi guys.

My husband got a 12 month sentence, which means up to 6 months in prison, then out on licence. We've had one visit with our teenagers, but just got called by the prison today and they're taking the children off his visitors list. They're not allowed to even write or talk on the phone. How is this fair? The children are suffering. My husband plead not guilty, so judge said he had to go to prison despite the sentencing officer recommending a suspended sentence. I am so scared of what this is doing to my kids. I want to maintain a healthy relationship between them and their dad, but how are we supposed to just suspend everything for 6months? Is there any way to fight for their rights to see their dad?

Posted Tue September 24, 2019 11:20pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Did they give reason as to why the children have been removed? Is it a supervision/safeguarding issue? My children didnt know there dad was in prison so didnt see him there, I was advised as well that the unit he was in was reserved for SOs. Some were high risk and it may not have been safe for other inmates to see his kids there. X

Posted Thu September 26, 2019 11:27pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts


my son is also in prison. We wondered whether our grandson would be allowed in to see him or not. He was allowed but another lady at the prisons kids were not allowed. I’m led to believe it’s nothing to do with other sex offenders in prison here in Scotland. It’s more to do with what they’re in for. The lady I refer to took it up with the family liaison officer at the prison and the people who run the places at prison where you can have a cup of tea if you arrive early by public transport. I don’t know the ins and outs of it but she did get her visits reinstated. It took a while but she got it. Also she said that here in Scotland it’s usually the social workers who advise the prison to take the kids off the list. Thankfully we never had that issue. Social services came to see our daughter when our son was convicted. She told them she would want to take her son once or twice a month to see her brother and they were ok with it. They asked her about safeguarding her son. She answered all her questions and then the case was closed.whether it will stay closed like they said when he comes home is another story.

Posted Fri September 27, 2019 12:07amReport post

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