Family and Friends Forum

Sor and safeguarding

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May 2019

48 posts

So i habe just recieved a call from safeguarding at the police as my ex has been puy on the sor as he pleaded guilty. They wanted to make sure i was aware of everything wich of course i am unfortunately far to aware of it all. My concern is however she mentioned that although my case with social services has been closed she will report it to them again. Does this automaticalautomaticallya case will be reopened again? Nothing has changed in my mind and sociamy mind and ss closed the case with supervised contact. Not that he has seen my kids yet. She also mentioned about speaking to hes ex wife. Now he has not had any contact with her for over 5 years nor hes child with her. That women has caused hell for me previously that ended in harrasment and poluce involvement. I did say that to inform her would cause some serious issues for me aswell as him. I thought they only told people that he would have contact with orbhad previously had contact with?

Posted Wed September 25, 2019 1:25pmReport post

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