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Story leaked

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Member since
July 2022

18 posts

Posted Tue May 14, 2024 4:01pmReport post

Hello all. I just need a safe space to vent :(

My now ex, was arrested and sentenced several years ago. It was reported in the local paper and no details were spared including the road we lived on. Thankfully we didn't get any negative response from the community we lived in. Maybe not my smartest decision but I decided to stay with him, he took responsibility, sought help, served a prison sentence etc. We even had children together with the approval of social services.

Unfortunatley, the pressure of the offending, restrictions of the prevention order and some other general relationship problems became too much and I initiated a separation six months ago. I felt confident in my decision, my mental health improved and then yesterday my friend appeared at my door to say her, our other friends and several neighbours knew about my ex and someone was trying to spread the news article on social media. Quite how it was tracked down I don't know - we changed our surname to try and avoid this exact situation. Anyway I immediatley rang the police, scared witless that I was going to be targeted by some vigilante group. SOMU visited one of my neighbours and reassured them my ex no longer lives with me, not even in the same town, they monitor him and so on. But I still don't feel safe. Who knows how many people in my area now know and are spreading the information further. I've told my ex not to visit our property for the forseeable; I will take our children to him at a neutral place outside of where we live.

I'm now looking at moving to a different town, a considerable distance away to escape. It might not be a watertight plan but it's the best I've got. I'm just exhausted, physically and mentally.

Thanks for listening.


Member since
July 2022

485 posts

Posted Mon May 20, 2024 8:54pmReport post

Just thought I would offer support. I hope you are coping at the moment. Have you had any repercussions?


Member since
August 2023

2 posts

Posted Fri June 7, 2024 8:58pmReport post

Please let us know how you are.


Member since
July 2022

18 posts

Posted Thu August 1, 2024 12:06pmReport post

Hi both,

Forgive the late reply. I put my house up for sale and things have been manic.

Touch wood, we've had no verbal or physical incidents...nothing on social media (that I know of) - presumably the police visits did the job and made it clear to our neighbours that me and my children have the right to live safely.

We still have an urgent response marker on the house and will do until we move, which gives me comfort. I'm back in therapy, I've lost count of what round this is!

The world keeps turning.

Quick exit