Family and Friends Forum

its hit the press

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Member since
September 2018

7 posts

Posted Tue October 30, 2018 9:26pmReport post

dear ladies please help me.

ive posted before and am eternally grateful for this forum. im the only sibling of an offender my dad and my mum is disabled. on friday my dad got a suspended sentence for looking and sharing indecent images of all categories chid age 3 to 7. im sickend to the stomach as the ages and content were a shock. my dad is my world and im so torn as i have a 3 and 5 yr old and a teenager who has tourettes that my dads been a rock too as his dad left us when he was 2. i have a partner but he is vunerable and told me a week ago he doesnt love me like he my reason for posting is there was press in the court room and it hit social media and the local press today. my dad has already been punched by his neighbour and as we speek they are out of area for a few days until friday when its his probation appointment. they were abused leaving the area verbally have alarms all over there house and im so torn as really worried for there safety but feel so guilty for feeling this way as he is a monster but also my precious dad and its killing me i dont know where to turn. my other half appears not to want to discuss it or entertain seeing my dad but i cant .

my mum cant cope my dad is physically and metally ill telling me hes incontinent cant sleep or eat and its looking like they may havevto go to a safe house.

please help i feel safe here xx

Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 9:08pm


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Posted Wed October 31, 2018 12:27pmReport post

So sorry to hear what your going through it sounds as though you have no support at all, remember none of this is your fault, I urge you to phone the helpline they will offer you great support and help you need right now, we’re all here for you to sound off and just get things off your chest, don’t be afraid to ask for help, I hope things get better for you, take one day at a time



Member since
October 2018

13 posts

Posted Wed October 31, 2018 3:06pmReport post

Big hugs and lots of support coming your way x the press are horrible and social media is a nightmare, we have been there. People said to me that the press attention will die down and it has, we are moving and perhaps that is something you should consider for your parents, take a day at a time and be kind to yourself. I am still very scared my husband will be recognised and it’s awful but remember none of it is your fault. Xx


Member since
September 2018

72 posts

Posted Wed October 31, 2018 8:16pmReport post


I'm so sorry to hear what a terrible time you are having. It sounds as if your worst fears were realised, and understandably it is very hard for you right now. Yes, you are safe on the forum and please keep leaning on us. Also, if anyone is violent towards your father, remember that the police are there to help him as much as anyone else. Nobody deserves to be physically abused.

You need to feel safe yourself. Have you got someone you trust who can come and stay for a bit? Maybe a friend or relative? It's true what the other women on the forum say - the media hype will die away after a while. However, whilst you are in the thick of it, do remember that the law is there to protect you and your family. You are completely innocent and can hold your head up high when you go out. Most people will feel sympathy rather than hostility towards you.

Sending love - I wish I could do more. XXX

carol ann

Member since
November 2019

1 post

Posted Mon November 11, 2019 11:17pmReport post

am new to this i to have a an horrific shock am member of my family just got 11 years and a sexual harm prevention order for life its tiped my life upside down feel embarrased to out am just absolutly horrified an cnt confide in anyone dunno were to turn
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