Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

Can someone help me - if this does get to court how does it work with solicitors? We are unlikely to qualify for legal aid but also unable to fund anything that's going to go into the thousands in terms of fees. If you can't afford a solicitor what happens? We both have some form of union cover via work which covers legal fees but need to find out if it would cover this if that makes sense as it's unrelated to work.


Posted Fri October 4, 2019 9:30pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi hilltop

I'm not sure if you can use the duty solicitor for this?

Is there no way you can get help from someone who specialises in this as that really is his best bet?

I know it's hugely expensive

Try ringing the helpline or CAB - they would probably know better


Posted Fri October 4, 2019 10:40pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

We spoke to a specialist one about a week after the knock but after explaining the whole scenario to them they didn't seem to think we needed to meet them - I take some positives from this in that if there was money to be made then they would make it!

The plan is to see what happens when the police get back in touch once the devices have been looked at - we've found a couple who will come do the representation at interview but I guess you can't really work out what the cost will be until we know what we're up against. Partner is adamant he's done nothing wrong so I'm fortunately not in the position where I'm dealing with any omissions of guilt from him - but unfortunate in the sense that I am not able to put any action plans in place as I'm just staring into an unknown and relying on him being honest in what he's saying... If that makes sense.

Maybe I'll try a different solicitor Monday, and then CAB or the helpline. We earn good money but don't really have any spare, even if we cut back on everything we don't have a pot that we can just dip into. We didn't have a reason for a pot and I never in a million years thought I would need money for something like this.


Posted Fri October 4, 2019 10:49pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

91 posts


At this stage you have 2 choices. If the police come back and want to interview your partner then either just ask for the duty solicitor or identify someone now and call them if he gets asked in for an interview. Under no circumstances should he be interviewed without a solicitor.

In terms of legal aid, we are applying as our solicitor said you would be surprised who qualifies. We have nothing to lose applying and I guess the same applies in your case.

CornishTea xx

Posted Fri October 4, 2019 11:37pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

Thanks CornishTea

I guess it's yet another case of waiting.... Which is all we seem to do with everything in this process. I'm a proactive person and when tricky situations arise I usually cope by being organised and like to arm myself with all the information I can, so I'm struggling with this as we have absolutely no control over how long this will take. The only thing I have been able to do is research independent companies who will do their own analysis of devices for us if it comes to us needing that. I will just have to start saving and hope that I'll eventually get to blow it all on something nice, rather than on legal stuff.


Posted Sat October 5, 2019 5:46amReport post

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