Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2023

13 posts

For people to have an idea of potential timeline (though I know it varies massivly)

Knock May 2023 around 8AM, computer and phone taken, computer compromised and advised (poorly) to plead guilty by duty solicitor. Legal council sought and in process. Released on bail by around 6pm with no contact from anyone before that point.

Magistrates court hearing end of march 2024, little contact in-between, bail extended with no further interviews or other requirements to be seen again. Phone clear but not released (still chasing this). Hearing no outcome, to go to crown court as I believe most of these do, the first hearing seems to be a waste of people's time and a big stress. Local news article released his name and street address, very little came from this other than 2 colleagues/friends noting it was there/known to them, they are supportive.

Crown court delayed as probation meeting hasn't been arranged. Date set for end of May rather than mid April 2024. Sentenced 2 years suspended sentence, 160hr community service, 10 years SOR and SHPO, monitoring software and a fine of some sort. Charges were all categories, "making" only.

Total cost for private legal help - £1950 - I hope it did help. Total cost to other things, severely impacted mental health for both of us, financial struggles due to loans for solicitors and his difficulties finding work...

I have not told family, but with his inability to holiday as usual due to relatives children I may have to broach it, I dread this. His are local so saw they news, they are supportive.

Whether this is comforting or scary I can only hope you have good or better outcomes and are supported where you can be. Good luck one and all, hopefully this is (kind of) the end of it, or at least will be in 10 years time....

Posted Thu May 30, 2024 10:23pmReport post


Member since
July 2023

47 posts

My person was arrested in June 23 and his charges have been emailed but will be officially charged in a few weeks. I was thinking a month until magistrates which like you say seems like a waste of time and then crown court a month later.

That sentence seems quite harsh for just images. Was it a first offence ? About his many images and was it making / possession of more ?

Posted Sun June 2, 2024 6:46pmReport post


Member since
May 2023

13 posts

Needhelp - I thought it was a little harsher than expected but at least nothing custodial... First offence, no prior run ins with the law at all..

Alleged images were 34 A, 8 B, 600 C and 40 extreme images. All "making" (so images present/found deleted) no sharing etc.

I was hoping for less of a SHPO as that is going to affect me most, but he's been classes as low risk for contact so no restrictions on locations he can be, just the staying in accomodation with under 18s which means no involvement in family holiday.

Good luck to you

Posted Sun June 2, 2024 9:35pmReport post


Member since
July 2023

47 posts

That does seem very harsh for so few cat a images. I've seen under 12 months for more images. My person has no chance of avoiding prison if that's the normal sentence as he has more cat a images and communication.

Did your person do courses or therapy ?

Posted Sun June 2, 2024 10:23pmReport post


Member since
May 2023

13 posts

needhelp - they contacted the course providers since they have no money but never started one or heard back, no therapy either for same reason

It is harsh, 10 years shpo for a 10month custodial suspended 2 years seems overkill compared to other reports but there we go.. I want to do something about it but can't afford to. At least to make a complaint about the duty solicitor who caused all this with poor advice and even the police for interviewing someone in a literal crisis/mental breakdown, I don't see anything said in that condition should be used against you yet here we are.

Had officers around today to install monitoring software on his devices

And it did hit the press over 2 weeks after the hearing, small article with little engagement from Facebook public but a local town page has mentioned it and mentioned in a disgusted way "partner who started with him"...

Posted Tue June 18, 2024 10:01pm
Edited Fri June 21, 2024 9:43pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts


Posted Fri June 21, 2024 10:01amReport post

Quick exit